Please make a way to sync smart collections between devices. Even Apple has a robust way to sync smart albums (or smart playlists in iTuns for that matter). It's the only feature holding me back from taking an iPad with me while traveling instead of my heavy Macbook Pro.
I haven't read the complete thread but if you aren't aware a smart collection is really a Filter that does not change and can't be turned off unless it is deleted. It really isn't a collection in the same way as normal collections. So IMHO this will never happen. You can use a smart collection to Filter your catalog and then copy those filtered images into a standard collection and sync that with the mobile/web system.
This is by far my biggest issue with Adobe as a company. Publish a roadmap and if a feature doesn't make it while on the roadmap, explain why. Some people suggest Adobe can't because they're public traded but that is just not true. Many publicly traded companies publish roadmaps.
Adobe hit a big foul ball on this one. It's is like a telephone that doesn't let you dial the last digit - so close but without it, the whole thing is just plain useless. Like Randy, I'm also paying for SmugMug to get a solution that should be Adobe > Adobe.
It won't happen. Adobe has said the Lightroom Classic won't get any new sync features, and if you had read the whole thread, you would have understood that it's not that easy at all either. Smart albums may some day be introduced, of course, but they won't sync with smart collections in Lr Classic.
According to Victoria Bampton (Lightroom Queen), who is well-connected with Adobe, Adobe has decided that "no new cloud features will be added to Lightroom Classic".
This topic is indeed the single most popular of all the feature requests here. As the two previously mentioned plugins demonstrate, it's not hard to provide syncing of smart collections.
Not having Smart Collections in LR CC is a huge step backwards. How on Earth did Adobe decide this functionality was not worthy of inclusion from day one of CC? Please ge this fixed as a priority!
for me it would be a great advantage to have a synchronization since most of my collection are "smart" due to locations, dates, tags, ... and why can a company like Adobe not solve what a plugin can? Regards
Why is this still not resolved? Is anyone at Adobe reading this? It seems not that complicated to fix and would be very useful functionality to the Lightroom ecosystem
Totally agree. Wrong or right, my photos are separated by smart collections in my catalog. Thus it would be very beneficial to sync smart collections. Why doesn't adobe Lightroom include this feature? The lack of smart collections not syncing is very frustrating.
wow three years ago this topic and it's not resolve yet! We need smart collections. I think a work around would be that all images that are sync stay for some time in the (all sync images) even if you change the condition that made that particular image to be in a smartcollection. So if you are working on the mobile version and un unpick the flag, the fotos is not any more in the smart collection, but this is not directly inked to the sync. then in the configuration one could choose for how long keep sync images that are not in a specific collection(orphan fotos lets say) these would exist only in a global all sync photos, but not inside any smart or normal synced collection.