Is Canon EOS RP camera matching profile coming?
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After the update Lightroom classic support an EOS RP Raw file but I found that the camera matching profile for the camera is missing.
Is it going to be add after the next update?
[Discussion moved from Adobe Creative Cloud to Lightroom Classic — The desktop-focused app]
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Adobe product developers don't participate in this forum, but if you repost your query in the official Adobe feedback forum as an "idea" (feature request), they'll see it. They almost never comment about release schedules, but in the case of Camera Raw and camera support, sometimes they do.
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In the folders installed by my copy of Lightrooom Classic v8.3.1, I do see Camera Profiles for the Cannon R. I do not see any for the Canon RP. I see this in the appropriate folder
I do not have a Canon R or a Canon RP to test out. So, I can not access those camera specific profiles from LR.
I do not know if you can see or use the Canon R profiles with your Canoon RP RAW files..
I was (apparently poorly) asking what version of Lightroom you had before you upgraded, as several versions back, where you click to access these profiles changed, from at the right bottom, in the Develop Panels, to top portion of the Basic Panel (well, 2nd row of the Basic Panel)
Remeber, when changing the profile, select Browse, to find the Camera Specific ones.
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Adobe hasn't released camera-matching profiles for the Canon EOS RP yet. (They don't provide camera-matching profiles for all cameras, unfortunately.) Google shows many users are asking if/when:
Looking for Canon EOS RP Camera Matching profiles
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The RP uses the same sensor as the 6Dii (as the R has the same sensor as the 5Div). While waiting for Adobe to publish the RP Camera Matching Profiles, some RP owners are using 6Dii profiles. Although there are probably light differences in sensor readout and A/D implementation between the two cameras, the 6Dii profiles are likely to be pretty close.
Using the free Dng Profile Editor, the dedication of a .dcp can be easily changed from 6Dii (or anything else) to RP. I posted instructions some time ago and I will try to find the link.
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