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I'm using Obj Blender. when I upload Mixamo only comes with a gray color.
got with a texture and everything.
how can I fix the problem?
Regards Samaale
2 Correct answers
blender shows it messed up because the uv map is wrong... any way i just opened your file in Blender and exported it as Fbx [textures included] standard
hi mate,
the textures ARE there but Mixamo can't read a dds file so it just shows it as gray
option 1 = convert all those dds files to Jpg or Png first
option 2 = just zip them all in and upload them... Mixamo will rig it [i assume this option for you]
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white = there is no texture included in the zip file
gray = there is a texture but Mixamo can't read it [normally because the wrong type]
if you share the model i'll try to test it
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here is the model
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Did you test it?
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Thanks, at least you did try
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in blender show full head and color animation as well, thank you very so much!
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blender shows it messed up because the uv map is wrong... any way i just opened your file in Blender and exported it as Fbx [textures included] standard
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Thank you for the answer
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Last question, how did you do that?
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it's me, I don't wanna be so annoying to you but can you help with the last texture color with this one?
I'm trying to do the same as you did before and upload texture color via Mixamo and didn't work.
can you fix this one for me just the last one?
Regards Samaale
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okay and will try, and thank you for the answer (:
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I've converted dds to png and still shows gray, however when I add animation and download, the full color shows in Blender.
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have you got a gloss or roughtness laver perhaps?
anyway gratz in getting it working
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no, I didn't get gloss or roughness laver.
As long it works and shows full color with a blender.
Thank you very so much for the help.
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can you fix mine i don't understand