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Dear Mixamo Team, I have a simple and yet very much important request for you: can you please allow changing background color for the Mixamo 3D viewer? I am pretty sure I am not alone here on this request, and having the possibility to change the color of the viewer (a part from the very annoying gray-looking background) would be awesome especially for people like me with almost zero knowledge of 3D software manipulation and very low time to spend on learning 3D tools that sometimes are very expensive also (for most of us is an hobby, not a job).
Why this request? It's fairly simple, for the above mentioned reason, I am using OBS to capture the screen in order to use your 3D and animation for personal (no-profit) work, and the problem with the gray background is that I am obtaining very bad results when working with Ultra Key framing or Rotoscoping. If you have noticed, the gray color is pretty much included in almost every 3D character textures, and this means that part of the 3D character will be included during the Ultra Key framing process and so the final results looks very bad. Allowing us changing the background color (like a proper Green Screen), will allow people like me to screen capture the Mixamo 3D viewer in order to avoid difficoult and expensive part such as export your 3D and using 3D manipulation softwares.
Would you please considering adding this Feature? Thank you very much!
1 Correct answer
the gray background is a standard i.e, its not set by Adobe
you could change the background colour of the thumbnail animations but that would take someone to sit down and re-animate each one
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the gray background is a standard i.e, its not set by Adobe
you could change the background colour of the thumbnail animations but that would take someone to sit down and re-animate each one