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Licensing Question for Paid Educational Courses

New Here ,
Aug 20, 2023 Aug 20, 2023

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I'd like to have students use Mixamo animations in a paid online UE5 course, however, the process of properly retargeting the Mixamo animations (as they are not compatible with UE5) is a bit above the level of most students learning the application. I've found a third-party application to convert and retarget Mixamo animations into properly formatted UE5 animations. My question is, is there any way to distribute these "fixed" animations to students without breaking licensing terms? Is there any contact info to get an official yes or no? It wouldn't be the original raw animation, as it would be a new / retargeted file, but it's still technically the same animation and editable.

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Aug 21, 2023 Aug 21, 2023

1 "as they are not compatible with UE5"

thats debatable https://community.adobe.com/t5/mixamo-discussions/exporting-textures-from-fuse-for-unity/m-p/11476017

2 no its against the licence which has bugger all to do with Adobe because its still the old / make your own project \ terms it has always been... that said i don't anyone give to much stress but there is nothing "technically" and it is the same animation


3 there are at least 3 full sets of converted files free to use online that i'm aware of




Aug 21, 2023 Aug 21, 2023

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1 "as they are not compatible with UE5"

thats debatable https://community.adobe.com/t5/mixamo-discussions/exporting-textures-from-fuse-for-unity/m-p/1147601...

2 no its against the licence which has bugger all to do with Adobe because its still the old / make your own project \ terms it has always been... that said i don't anyone give to much stress but there is nothing "technically" and it is the same animation


3 there are at least 3 full sets of converted files free to use online that i'm aware of but to my mind thats the kind of skill your student should be learning anyway + a full set of detailed instructions makes a great learning tool with out crossing any licence boundries





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