Mixamo addon not working on Blender 4.0
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Could they please fix this, I was working on a project, and would really love to stick to Blender 4.0, its causing me a headache, i thought i could use, rigify, but mixamo's offers a faster workflow for me. Even when installing it takes longer and halts for some reason now, and i have to click to the side or resize the window to show the addon, when i proceed to activate it, the error pops up.
please @Adobe fix this.
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same +
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same error msg. macbook, ventura.
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Same error in my MacBook Air Ventura 13
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Managed to solve it
Pasted the error text in Chat GPT and it worked.
Used option 3 and tweaked the code a bit.
Found the file:
Or by command line using cd:
/Users/aaronbl/Library/Application Support/Blender/4.0/scripts/addons
And using teh command "open ." to openning it on finder.
Opened the file in VS Code. Copied all the code there and give it to chat GPT....
Here is the whole conversation: https://chat.openai.com/share/4ca619f5-aecf-4ab5-a4fb-5357fb657255
Then copied and pasted the code he gave me, pressed command + s to save, went to blender and all worked fine. Cheers
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it is working very well!
the fix is easy:
- Go to the file ".../Blender/4.0/scripts/addons/mixamo_rig/lib/version.py"
- Line 7 is `_char = bpy.app.version_char`
- Replace it with `_char = getattr(bpy.app, 'version_char', '')`
- save and enable addon.
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This worked like a charm. Nisim gave the info if you already had it installed after an update. If you're downloading it fresh:
- Download the plugin
- Extract the ZIP
- Go into the folders to 'mixamo_rig/lib/version.py'
- Replace line 7 with '_char = bpy.app.version_char', so that it fetches the new version number properly
- Save the file, and ZIP the mixamo_rig folder again. Then just add it in Blender as you would any other plugin.
Quick fix, and works great.
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You are a king dude. Thanks for the wonderful fix.
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7حسناا هل يجب علي فقط فك ضغط الملف واستبدال الصطر ا_char = bpy .app.version_char وإستبدال
_char = getattr ( bpy .app، 'version_char' , '' )` ب
ثم حفظ التغيرات وضغط الملف ومبروك علي
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I modified it directly from the zip file, saved it, installed the plugin in Blender and it worked!
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Me Ajudou muito obrigo. parbens
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I encounter 2 more exceptions in the Python code when using the command "Apply Animation to Control Rig".
so to make it easier for all I fixed all the issues and packed them in the addon zip file. it support Blender v3 and v4.
Both the exceptions were in the file armature.py.
Sharing it using Dropbox:
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One more thing about the addon for Blender v4.0.
I did encounter issues with some features when creating new characters and using the rigging action. However, the issue is not created when using Blender v3.6.x.
So what I did is create the complex flow in 3.6 and use/import it to 4.0. this is when you encounter too many issues.
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Thank you. Your solution installed for me.
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Didnt quite work, I attempted to create a rig, the plugin installed, but the rig creation gave me an error message D:
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Thankyou so much!
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thanks man
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Thankyou so much
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I specifically signed in to tell you that I love you and you just saved me a massive headache. Thank you!!!
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Just a heads up this doesn't work in Blender 4.0. When you go to 'create control rig' it just crashes.
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you are the best!! thanks a lot
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I installed it perfectly but as I try to apply it to create a control rig my blender will turn off. Will appreciate hearing from you!