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Adobe Muse EOL announcement - Alternatives to Adobe Muse?

Adobe Employee ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Hi all,

For those of you that haven't received the email around the Adobe Muse EOL, see the FAQ Product Announcement that tries to answer some the common questions around the announcement including the reasons behind the decision.

Before we proceed with discussing alternatives, the Muse application will continue to open on your computer. You will be able to continue to edit existing or create new websites with the application. Adobe Muse will continue to be supported until May 20, 2019 and will deliver compatibility updates with the Mac and Windows OS or fix any bugs that might crop up when publishing Muse sites to the web. However, it is quite possible that web standards and browsers will continue to change after Adobe stops support for the application.

While there is no 1:1 replacement for Adobe Muse at this stage, the FAQ link above provides some alternatives. Also, Adobe is making our own investment in DIY website creation and welcomes all Muse customers to join our upcoming pre-release program for a new format that will be introduced this year as part of Adobe Spark. Build a beautiful website—in minutes | Adobe Spark

That being said, I would like to open up this discussion for discussing other solutions and migration paths. It would be ideal if we could focus our efforts on the topic at hand.








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Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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I caught that one on webflow and  CMS and backed off.  it seems to me that with them the software is almost a hook to sell hosting.  I want a company where software is first and hosting is with whoever.  I still think catching our breath for a few days is best now that the shock is wearing off and the adrenaline is ebbing.  Nothing will change good or bad over the coming few weeks and by then maybe the landscape will be clearer.





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Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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Well after another day of calming down and realizing I don't have to find an answer today or even tomorrow, I can get back to work.  I saw a suggestion earlier today that I thought had some merit, but someone much younger than me will need to tackle it.

Software comes and goes, but losing Muse is different than when VisiCalc went away.  What I would like to see is for Adobe to either move Muse to open source, or for one of the competitors who wants our business to pick up the rights to incorporate features into their software.  When Adobe made their announcement, on their books Muse became a sterile asset, so the price shouldn't be high.

A second alternative would be for Adobe to spin off the Muse team and product into a sub where it can stand on its own.  If it is viable it will make it, if not then not.  But somewhere there is a fit for Muse functionality and the right people have to step forward to either take it over or incorporate the best features into their software to entice Muse users to move.

But two years is a long time in the tech world.  For all we know the next big thing in web development is about to be announced next week.  For now I plan to catch my breath, keep on developing on Muse, and when the smoke clears find a path that is logical.





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Mentor ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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HawkeEye  wrote

Well after another day of calming down and realizing I don't have to find an answer today or even tomorrow, I can get back to work.  But two years is a long time in the tech world.  For all we know the next big thing in web development is about to be announced next week.  For now I plan to catch my breath, keep on developing on Muse, and when the smoke clears find a path that is logical.

Seems like many have done just that, its probably the best option for the majority short term.

HawkeEye  wrote

What I would like to see is for Adobe to either move Muse to open source, or for one of the competitors who wants our business to pick up the rights to incorporate features into their software.  When Adobe made their announcement, on their books Muse became a sterile asset, so the price shouldn't be high.

Many people have gave reasons why that wont be the case, I responded to you earlier as well. No one should wait or hope for this option from Adobe. Other options Adobe may provide in the future (Spark, etc.,) may be the way forward for many or some.





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Participant ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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Here is why I think we should all catch our breath and slow down a little.  If back in December I had said I thought Adobe would abandon Muse no one would have believed me.  Things change quickly in the technology world and for all we know some Muse competitors may be planning just how to attract the current Muse customers.  If you knew that webflow (as an example) was working on a transition program to port Muse over seamlessly then you would wait (not saying they are, just an example).

The competition is working to digest the news just as we are and they will each react in the way that they feel will attract the most Muse users.  But even if they are not............

2020 is a long way off and Muse will probably work into 2021.  In three years it is highly likely that Adobe or some other company will move in to fill the void.  In another post here one of the Dreamweaver developers admitted that their APIs are aging.  So maybe a Muse/Dreamweaver product will emerge from either Adobe or a competitor.

My point is that we all need to chill.  Making a rash decision to jump to another platform without a lot of thought and investigation can be much more painful in the long run.





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Mentor ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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Yep. Yep.





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Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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It was a poor choice what ever the reason....

And after 30 years I've been through all of it..

Now... I'm just going to knuckle down and serve a community that actually support each other....

Peace! you better run once they "can" the subscription model and replace it with a servic based model and part out the assets into smaller subsets ...we are all screwed...

This relationship was bound to end... I just thought I'd die first and not be depriciated out of a tool set this way...

Adobe Advocate for 30 years







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Community Beginner ,
Apr 13, 2018 Apr 13, 2018

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For Duncan Wilcox ... I have followed up on all the suggested apps in this forum, and have landed on Sparkle. I have spent the last several days reproducing one of my main sites so I can get the hang of Sparkle. I’m still discovering little treasures, but think I’ve got it. I want you to know that I appreciate and like your app very much, and it is letting me design some features I couldn’t do in Muse. Fortunately, I am an avid Mac user, but I do use both platforms.

I have a  BIG question, however. Will you be around for the long haul? Understandably, I have concern. As do many Muse users. Redeveloping hefty sites is very time consuming. I’ve already been through this twice prior to the Muse EOL, so this is my third time. I now also have more sites and more people depending on these. So, longevity?? Can we trust you? Is your business platform reliable? It’s obvious you and your team have worked hard and have produced a very GOOD option for Mac users who want a free-form desktop design platform choice. So again ... are your future prospects sound enough for us to rely on?

I truly do like your app very much. So, thank you in advance for considering my question.





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Participant ,
Apr 13, 2018 Apr 13, 2018

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Clearly we don't have the resources Adobe has. We are committed and working full time on Sparkle, we think it will work out in the long term but even Adobe pulled the plug on Muse so what can I say? We aren't VC-funded so at least you know we won't bail for a quick exit.





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Engaged ,
Apr 13, 2018 Apr 13, 2018

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Don't sell to Adobe. 😉





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Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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Duncan Wilcox​ -- I'm training a client right now to use Sparkle as their CMS and they love it. They were initially upset when I told them we would have to move from Muse and BC, but they think it it much easier to update than Muse. It helped that you have an unlimited free trial because I've been training them. I showed them Blocs and Pinegrow, but they got lost easily in the interface, which they didn't with Sparkle. Keep up the good work.

Looking forward to updates.





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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!!!!!!!!!! Great Analogy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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Engaged ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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Lonnie, is it difficult to use Sparkle as CMS?





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Contributor ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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Stay Rockin Dunkin!

Your doing great and looking good..






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Explorer ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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"Ultimately hand coding gives you the most flexibility but, unlike 1997, it needs to be your full time job. You can not be coding a browser compatible, high performance, optimized, frequently updated site if you have a real job, in your spare time."

Exactly...and Muse gave 'part-times' and non-coders that chance to have more control over their own website building, and has brought together a group of people who may never have had such a thing in common with those who work full time as website designers!  This is evident the broad ranger nature of this entire forum dialogue!  Thank you Muse for bringing us all together. 🙂





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Explorer ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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YES!  Great and clear explanation. 





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Community Expert ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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The fact is, Muse was built around a free-form concept (absolute positioning) whereas everyone else built web tools around the box/grid model that browsers use.

Not entirely correct ! Or even entirely not correct...

Muse is/was very keen in keeping elements in a flow. If texts become larger/longer, elements below them will move accordingly downwards. Even elements next to it might be affected, depending on how they're aligned. And web browsers don't work with grids. They work with a continuous flow, so the web has actually always been responsive, since the initial HTML version. unless content is positioned in a fixed (like the footer) or absolute manner...





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Community Expert ,
Apr 02, 2018 Apr 02, 2018

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mik05  wrote

Can you point me in a direction of a hosting platforms that allows simillar BC options like adding a serachbox to webiste, blog capibility and Browser Editing for my clients?

Any comments in regard to this would be much apprecite.

A search form is simple.  You don't need special hosting for that.  Just a little coding know-how.

Add Google to your Bootstrap Search Bar - https://alt-web.com/

Blog & CMS -

The question is do you want to team up with another  platform like Synergy 8 and hope it thrives?  

Introducing Synergy 8 (BC alternative)

Or do you move to a commercial web host & open source frameworks like WP and Drupal?  And how well will you cope with that learning curve?

Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator
Alt-Web Design & Publishing ~ Web : Print : Graphics : Media





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Community Expert ,
Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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About In Browser Editing

Wait, I just remembered that the PHP processes for forms are independent from Business Catalyst, but the In Browser Editing is !! And that service will go down on March 26th 2020, giving you an extra year to use this feature !

I can't edit/delete my previous post on this anymore, so I hope a moderator can delete or edit it accordingly, since it gives wrong information.





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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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Hi Peter, I will let your post stay for now. Most of what you say is correct, just that users on BC will have to move to a third party provider before May 20.





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Participant ,
Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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With new clients calling and meetings in the diary, I cannot dare start another new project with a clear conscious knowing Muse will be unsupported in a years time.  I've just been playing with Webflow and just wished I had chosen them over Muse last year.  I so nearly did, but felt Adobe was a bigger fish and more stable - how wrong was I?

I have quickly built one of my existing homepages and I'm really impressed with the features in Webflow.  I especially like the block structure and padding features.

Whatsmore, the code generated in my Muse page is 760 lines whereas the same page in Webflow is less than 180 lines.

With regard to post 694 and the hope of them reversing their decision. I can't see this happening, they'll just be going on about Spark.

Sorry, its too late, the trust is gone and I've now found something far better.





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Engaged ,
Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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Mac users.

I wonder how significant the news that Apple are considering moving away from Intel might be as far as using Muse beyond 2019, I remember when I moved over from PPC to Intel I had to replace everything, and I do mean everything.





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Community Expert ,
Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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Of course, a drastically new architecture in a computer makes it difficult for old software to run. New versions are definitely required. But do you also remember how smooth that transition from PPC to Intel went ? The new hardware and operating system offered a long-standing technology to emulate the old architecture to remain backwards compatible. Only after five years or so, Apple stopped supporting older software...

So I wouldn't worry too much about Apple's well kept secrets, rumoured considerations, parallel universes, and the possibility of life after death...





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Enthusiast ,
Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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@Peter Villevoye. No one in this forum is harassing Preran, but the fact that Adobe is committing only one employee after sacking Muse to cope with such an avalanche of serious complaints, really doesn't reflect well on their client relationship capabilities of a publicly traded company.

The fact that they are now unleashing ACPs doesn't improve the situation at all. The fact that SStuart48 is brand marking all our serious concerns as "pussy footings" in the wake of your introductory remarks will only help to infuriate the situation.

Go back and read all the comments, analyze them and offer real solutions if you want to be of any help. Regurgitating past ACP remarks is not very helpful. We have heard these comments too many times (Muse will keep on working, Open-Source No, bad alternatives, learn code, be flexible, charge clients, don't be such a pu...y aso). They all miss the point. We have a massive migration issue of old sites.

You mention that Muse is dead and won't return, because in your opinion one specific feature failed (eg. responsiveness). Since when do you throw away a car when a tire pops? Muse is much bigger than any one of its single features. The fact the response in recent days has been that huge, leaves me wondering if Adobe didn't seriously underestimated their apps popularity.

Muse will return! Adobe cannot afford to ignore us. Maybe we will not see a full-fledged comeback, but I am hopeful we will see some real help for our migration issues implemented, probably in a way that will make an orderly transition possible. 

You seem to be coming from a corporate angle, most people voicing their concerns here are not living in your world. Muse can deliver form and code. So yes, it is a real tool for us. XD can deliver an empty shell. How's that an improvement to us? If anything, it is a step backwards. Your suggestion just tells me that you do not understand how smaller business work. They thrive on the fact that tools are multifunctional. XD is not. If I need to team up with others because my tools where downgraded, how is that a benefit? I don't quite see the point. If anything, it makes things more complicated. But the again, it all depends on the kind of business model your working in.

Spark is geared towards our clients directly, not at web developers in-between. Spark also doesn't qualify, as it does not offer the features we need. I know code myself and have been working with Dreamweaver when it was still a Macromedia product. Performing complex Server-Side scripting and database driven applications is always a possibility but it takes time. It makes sense for larger projects, but not for smaller ones. And why should I reinvent the wheel for repetitive tasks?

Muse is cool because it can bridge the gap between design tools that were too simple and heavy database connectivity. For many designers a mailer form was all they needed.  That said, I am personally not so much concerned about learning a new way of implementing my projects. I have done Netobjects Fusion, MS Frontpage, Macromedia, Muse, Wordpress. You name it.

But I still need to migrate my old Muse sites, and those costs will be very high. The only viable solution is one that will help us and myself migrate old clients' sites to CMS in the most efficient way possible with as little relearning as possible. Otherwise we are confronted with two issues. Researching and Relearning new software and acquiring the know-how for porting old sites. These two issues are not necessarily the same thing. In-Browser-Editing to CMS makes the whole thing more complex. No one really knows for sure how IBE will pan out, after Adobe's last announcement. There is a lack of trust now.  I would really appreciate a "factory refurbished" Muse that can export to Wordpress (template & code) or something of the like.

Regarding your stock market assessment: I am by no means a market expert, but I honestly do not believe that the cloud has existed long enough to say where it will take us, nor if it will be successful in the long run. Or will prove to be a real benefit to humanity. I know that investors are hailing it as the holy grail of Information Technology, but many of their predictions have left the markets in dire straits before.

What I can see in talking to many people and observing opinion leaders, is a rising distaste against cloud-based services tracking us wherever we go. Zuckerberg is on his way to congress to explain himself for serious data breaches. Apple has just suffered a legal blow and PR nightmare because they used cloud-based technologies to slow down our phones. Regulation is on the horizon, because no one in the broader populace wants that much power handed over to corporations. Ultimately, Congress will not be able to ignore these concerns, which are shared by so many voters. Regulation is coming, maybe more subtlety in the US and maybe harder in Europe.

Adobe's technologies rely heavily on a deregulated information space. Therefore I do not share the optimism regarding the direction Adobe is moving in. I still see some real risks involved: Betting too much on one horse too soon has brought down giants before. Keeping some sort of diversification within their portfolio will not hurt Adobe financially, but it will help sustain their positive image as a creative company and will also help to keep a footing within their traditional clientele, should things turn out too airy in the cloud.

I also do not share your optimism regarding Adobe stocks. They have dropped a bit and are looking very good short term, I agree. But there are still many reasons that Adobe Stocks could suffer a downgrade in the coming weeks, the reasons being complex. And Muse could be a part of it; maybe not directly, but it does tell Investors that Adobe is putting down all their cards on one (still risky) horse going forward and they might be thinning out their diversification strategies too soon. Regulation can be a real show stopper for cloud technologies. The regulation saga is still brewing in the cooker as we speak. If Adobe stocks downgrade, it will have implication for the bigger market, as Adobe is considered the king of the cloud and no doubt an industry leader.

I am not an Adobe evangelist nor claiming to be a market prophet. I am also not dependent on any company's kudo points, so I can say and express my opinion how I see fit. I hope we are not faced with any intimidation in this forum in an attempts to quench our complaints and concerns. I am open to any solutions offered to us, but they have to address the real issues which are of concern.





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Engaged ,
Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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Thank you @Red_Point for you elaborate and objective statement to @Peter_Villevoye's posts. Couldn't have said it better.





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Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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We are talking about NOW. The current update 2018.1 is the last one. THIS IS short notice without any warning.

Probably not. It's very likely that there will be a couple of bugfixes, but no feature upgrades.

So you did actually browse through the messages, contrary to what you wrote before. Why did you say then you wouldn't?

I first browsed about 10 pages (400 posts) without responding yet, skipping the remaining 200, expecting various and remaining issues to resurface.

@Red Point

The fact that they are now unleashing ACPs doesn't improve the situation at all.

I wasn't "unleashed". I've been busy - just read further down, please.

Regurgitating past ACP remarks is not very helpful.

Well, it is to readers who just dropped into this discussion, posing the same questions.

Go back and read all the comments, analyze them and offer real solutions if you want to be of any help.

"Real Solutions" ? No, you want easy and cheap solutions.

Didn't you get the message from 750+ posts: it's not going to be easy and cheap !

We have a massive migration issue of old sites.

Yes, you do. I'm not downplaying or sugarcoating that. Well, maybe a bit. I think the coming year can be a good opportunity to gradually revise the agreements you have with your most active clients. Maybe you need to withdraw some promises you made, but being upfront and transparant to your client is the only way to regain and keep their trust.

You seem to be coming from a corporate angle, most people voicing their concerns here are not living in your world.

Haha, I'm not corporate ! I'm a professional software trainer, and in the past 8 years I've shown and taught many hundreds or maybe well over a thousand designers how to work with Adobe Muse. Now how's that for having a responsible and somewhat guilty feeling ? Many of them have already asked me for advice, the past days. This morning I finally sat down and thought, let's have a look at the floodgates at the forum. So my earlier absence and late appearance today has nothing to do with Adobe "unleashing" the ACPs...

BTW, just check out my posts at Quora...

Your suggestion just tells me that you do not understand how smaller business work.

I do, I've guided many designers and self-catering small business owners.

They thrive on the fact that tools are multifunctional. XD is not. [...]

But then again, it all depends on the kind of business model your working in.

True, XD is not a very likely solution for a small website. Although I must say that creating a wireframe and a mockup in the presence of a client, can intensify your rapport with any client ! For larger projects, it offers totally different functionalities, involving testing, collaborating, commenting. Truly a different workflow and tool, altogether.

I also do not share your optimism regarding Adobe stocks.

Don't worry, I don't have any stocks, I just watched a promising 1-year stock value graph on Google...

I am not an Adobe evangelist nor claiming to be a market prophet.

Neither am I. I can only be fanatic about tools I like. And at this moment, apart from using the usual suspects (Illustrator and Photoshop) I still adore InDesign, I prefer Tumult Hype (Mac-only), I'm getting a grip on Character Animator (yes, silly me), and I'm definitely going to have a look at Blocs as a Muse replacement (the catch of the day, thanks to WTJ). Webflow also seems a good no-coding candidate, but only for users who dare to understand HTML box models and CSS content flow.





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