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Closing Muse ? Are you serious over there ?

Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Helloooooo! Over there, are you listening to me?

I think you have to take a close look to stopping support of the Muse project.

We have spent a lot of time learning how to use Muse, we have created a large number of customers with websites through Mouse, and we continue.

If you respect your customers, you should think again.

Muse is not Flash to have security issues or its works not supported by browsers. Although the flash continues, the name is changed to Animate.

Please respect us and continue the good work on Muse.

God bless America.







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

Hi all,

Apologize for your frustration. I understand that the transition to another software will not be without challenges. Having said that, Adobe Muse will continue to be around and supported for another year. You can continue using Adobe Muse beyond that as long as its code is supported by web standards and browsers, and for as long as your OS supports it. If you have hosted your site on BC, you have a year to migrate it to a third-party hosting provider.

Assets such as text and images can be




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Explorer ,
Apr 06, 2018 Apr 06, 2018

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Thanks for the link Danny! Looks maybe slightly better than Smart Objects since you can see a live update in the base document as you're editing the placed document! I just wonder if it retains a percentage scale as smart objects do? Always helpful when placing a lot of products that have to be the same scale.

Thanks for the info Danny! Have a lovely day...





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Adobe, how could you!!!! I rely on Muse to create my art website and the widgets library allows me to connect it to PayPal so that I can actually sell my art. Adobe Portfolio doesn't allow me to do this. I hate prefab sites because they are only customizable to a point and they look cheap. Please, don't discontinue Muse. My business will die.





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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I also am dumfounded! I have invested hundreds and hundreds of hours into learning and developing my skills with Muse. As a visual designer, cutting my creative teeth on the likes of InDesign and Photoshop, I do not possess, like many of my peers, the natural ability to code. Muse was the natural progression towards creating an intuitive program that allowed a visual designer to create original websites.

Adobe state as part of their reason for discontinuing Muse that there is a plethora of 'plug and play' web creation platforms out there, but if you have explored these, you will know just how restricting they are in terms of creating original sites. Most of them are quite horrible, all are pretty much the same and very formulaic.

I feel this is a retrograde step and ask Adobe to reconsider their descision.





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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The email this morning was a huge shock, to say the least... As someone who originally hated the idea of coding, Muse was a godsend. I used it for several websites, was on the Muse beta team, hell I even have a Muse Rock Star mug from Adobe! But the more websites I developed with Muse, the more I found myself wanting to have the freedom to do whatever I wanted and not be limited by Muse or the available plug-ins offered.

So I learned to code. Is it as fun as working inside of Photoshop, Illustrator or AfterEffects? Absolutely not. Were there moments while trying to debug hand-written code for Internet Exploder I wanted to toss it and go back to Muse? Hell yes. But when you build sites from scratch or use Bootstrap, Foundation (or whatever you prefer), you have total freedom and a HUGE support community where you can copy/paste code from all over the web! You can complete entire sites you would never dream of creating from scratch in Muse. Praise from clients, praise from bosses, and pride knowing you built it yourself (and you can edit the site with NotePad if you have to!) all make the hours spent learning HTML/CSS/JS worth it. Really you can get by with HTML/CSS and a basic understanding of Javascript (and how to Google) And between YouTube, Skillshare, Lynda, Pluralsight, or any other online learning platforms you don't even have to leave your desk to do so.

Adobe has given the Muse community one year to figure out an alternative. Either bite the bullet and learn to code, or rely on another code-free tool which could disappear at any moment. Take the time to process your shock and anger, and then grab yourself by the Bootstrap (v.4) and get to work securing your skillset for the inevitable future!





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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I hear what you are saying

But as I said in another post I just made: not all designers are good programmers--and they don't have one at their disposal. This application really gave people some freedom to make some great sites. Just recommending that people go learn code I think is oversimplifying the situation. That can be a bear of a task to go learn all the code you need to build the site you want.

I think the idea should be to focus on making great things more easily without having to submerge yourself in code. Dreamweaver and other applications were a good first step in that direction. Muse was the next one. Or was. Adobe is just as much a company devoted to designers as it is for coders.





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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@LongBeachDave I am by no means a coder. My bread and butter has and always will be renderings and illustration, and I don't plan on changing that to build websites. Coding is not as stimulating, or interesting by any means. I certainly don't immerse myself in code when creating websites. Most of my time is spent on the development of UI/UX and coding is last on the list. My point was simply you can spend a year learning to understand code and how websites work, and be self-reliant in the future, or move to another platform which could be pulled out from under you again.

And yes, it does take time and commitment to learn HTML/CSS, but it really isn't as scary as many designers build it up to be! Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, AfterEffects, these programs all have steep learning curves too, but after investing the time and effort to learn them and gain confidence and speed, now look at how much you can accomplish inside them! The latest code editors have so much code hinting and shortcuts built into them with Emmet and snippets, you don't have to spend hours typing out each line of code as was necessary in the past. A lot of evolution has taken place, and it will only get easier in the future once you can export CSS straight from Adobe XD. Hopefully we will be able to export entire designs with only minor tweaks to code necessary for responsiveness in the not-too-distant future.

Bottomline is Adobe did not make this decision lightly, and I would urge people to have faith in themselves, instead of relying on Uncle Adobe to solve all their problems with a new program. Best case scenario, they will release Muse to be open source and those of you unwilling to broaden your skillset will still be able to fall back on Muse as a useful tool in your design arsenal for years to come.





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Screw you





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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I work for a software company. And I know that decisions are made with a lot of consideration of users--and sometimes they aren't. The applications you listed such as Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. are applications that don't require much going outside and learning a new language to use them. I think I and a lot of others feel this is different. You even started your own initial post expressing 'shock'.

It just seems like you are deriding people a tad--as people were too lazy and therefore 'Uncle Adobe' designed a play pen for us so we wouldn't hurt ourselves. No. Adobe designed a product that was meant to bypass a lot of tedious work in order to focus on the design and performance aspect of a site--and silly us--we got on board.





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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@LongBeachDave I apologize if that is how it came across. Didn't mean to imply you were lazy, but you did rely on Adobe to fill a gap in your skill set whether you want to recognize it or not. The purpose of my original post was to let people know a short time ago I was in the same boat as all of you, relying on Muse to create professional looking websites, and simply wanted to try and motivate some of you to learn to create them yourselves, without a ton of coding skill or experience necessary. A little effort goes a long way, and you have at least one year to do so, probably longer until Muse will actually stop functioning. There are alternatives, and hopefully, Muse will go the way of Brackets and be an open source tool in the future.

With 4+ million subscribers, the small number of active users in the forum today does help justify Adobe's decision. I truly empathize with you all and hope that you can find a solution going forward, whether that be with Muse or another product.





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Some of us Musers are in different time zones and many haven't woken to this news yet ... or they are too busy than to be logged in checking forums.  Whilst we appreciate that we can learn to code ... some of us are just "too tired" from learning so many different types of tech that we simply wish to keep our easy way to achieve greatness instead of doing it the hard way.                  





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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N.A.T, some of us DID learn code and hated it.  I managed while I had to.  Muse was an amazing alternative (much like GoLive, another product Adobe dumped).  I used Dreamweaver and despised it (not to mention I had one issue after another with it, constantly corrupting the website files).  When Muse came along, I jumped at it.  There is NO way I will go back to Dreamweaver.  If Muse becomes a thing of the past, I guess it may be time for Adobe to become a thing of the past as well.....





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Engaged ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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I was one of those that hated DW. Cumbersome. Muse is leaps beyond DW. I will not go back to DW, I agree, I am ready to pack it all in.





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New Here ,
Apr 18, 2018 Apr 18, 2018

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I agree with your take on learning code. I've been at this for 30 years and the only thing I know for sure is "Technology Changes". You can quote me on that. I also know that companies have been working on WYSIWYG web apps for decades. Anyone remember Pagemill, or GoLive? How about Freehand just for yucks. All by Adobe. All gone. You may even remember when graphic designers had no part in actually developing the site, only did graphics. WordPress, SquareSpace and even DreamWeaver actually put us ahead of where we were 10 years ago. If you don't want to code, the next generation of graphic designers will. Hire THAT kid, he's still in high school, and he'll work for pizza and Mountain Dew.

While we're at it, a class action lawsuit is way too limited. Adobe needs to be looked for antitrust violations. They own you. You know they own you. And you'll keep paying their yearly tribute because you have no choice.





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Contributor ,
Apr 18, 2018 Apr 18, 2018

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Actually, everyone has a choice. Many choose the subscription path. If that works for you, fantastic. But you must understand that you are at the whim of corporate decisions. At work I observe this Adobe universe from my Windows 10 machine, sometimes shaking my head in disbelief at the logic for an "upgrade" that causes numerous problems (yeah, I LIVE for trashing corrupt preference files on a regular basis) and having to reinstall (in my experience, aside from machine upgrade, I never had

to reinstall prior to CC).

On a personal level, I never chose the CC path. I don't expect my CS to last forever, but for now, it works on my MacBook Pro. When one or the other gives-up-the-ghost, I'll be alright as I've got a new iMac running everything BUT Adobe products. I've got enough freelance work that keeps me busy and I don't miss a single Adobe product. Truthfully, I've never had the need for a good portion of CC, but I came pretty close to investing in Muse and thankfully, before I locked myself into pricing/renting/proprietary software, Adobe decided to give Muse the axe. I dodged a bullet, but my heart goes out to all those who were blindsided by this corporate decision. Not sure where I would have ended up with Muse but I'll seek some alternative at some point.





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Apr 18, 2018 Apr 18, 2018

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This all depends on how old you are and how much you value your time. Many of us who are 9ld enough grew up with most cars being manual transmission and it was the only cool way to go. Now most cars are auto. Not too many people even would know how to drive a manual. The web is heading that way.

Been checking out a dozen or so apps. Nothing is even comes close to Muse. Blocs, Sparkle, lots of others.

if thought Adobe had bad support. Most of these are one person shops. Think about that before you buy in.

If you know where to look under the hood you could see the problems. Again Muse wasn’t perfect but it sure was getting there.





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Contributor ,
Apr 18, 2018 Apr 18, 2018

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I'm old enough to know. Indeed, a manual trans was the cool way to go (even on those steep hills).

I'm absorbing all the Muse users opinions this forum in regards to "replacement" apps. As I never invested in Muse its not

as serious a decision for me. I'm also old enough to remember Pagemill, investing time in it, and having the rug pulled out.

I think one of the main points here with one-person shops is that you're not paying a constant fee for the software, or a huge price upfront. One would have thought that Adobe was plugging away at improving Muse, but maybe the reality was they were just letting it die rather than make it adaptable. Purely conjecture on my part, but they did kill it off so it's not such a far-fetched scenario.





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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I'm pretty blown away at the moment and very disappointed in Adobe.

The reality is, not all designers are coders. I've been working with code for a long time--but it was never my forte. Muse excited the heck out of me and I was able to do things I'd never been able to do before.

Why you would introduce such a great product, build interest in it, and then shut it down so quickly is baffling.





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Waking up in the West Coast with this most sour news.

Adobe says they are replacing Muse because:

  • Designers that are actively engaged in creating complex websites and applications are investing in UX design and prototyping skills while partnering with development teams to bring their designs to life.

Yes they, but more likely in advertising and design agencies. Outside of those agency's are individuals working to make a living. You could go through the effort to outsource work, but why go through the hassle when there's Adobe Muse?

  • For simpler websites, we’ve seen the emergence of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) website creators that leverage customizable templates to quickly create responsive websites that can be easily modified by the designer or a client.

From my own experience, the simpler websites are... too simple, and never produce the result I'm looking for. With Adobe Muse, I have control. Control of design. Control of SEO.

For these reasons I thought was Muse was a Godsend from Adobe. Now it just looks like a rug to be pulled out from under our feet.


To the client that has invested over $15k as their site lives in on Business Catalyst ready for their big debut, "Sorry. You'll have to pay me roughly another $17k to update your site in about a year."

A Customer of 25 Years,






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Community Beginner ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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a dumb decision.. Muse is probably one of the best tools Adobe created over the years.

I urge you to reconsider this initiative





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Engaged ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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You CAN'T do this! All of my hard work and sites I have running, and one with a trade for medical help. You CAN'T shut it down! This is also going to kill all of the developers that have created businesses around them. Good Grief! Why? Make it open source if you're having trouble keeping it updated. I can't learn code, and WordPress is a whole different ball of wax. This is the most streamlined app. Sell it to someone that can take it further or Please reconsider.





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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Your sites are not going to be shut down, If you are on BC, you have a year to migrate your sites to a third-party hosting provider.

Also, Muse will continue to be supported for OS compatibility until next year, and you can continue using Adobe Muse as long as it is supported on your OS, and the code is supported by the browsers of that time.

I understand that this is not the perfect answer you are looking for, but I was hoping that my post would calm you a little.







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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Hi Preran,

What do you think ? You believe that we have a clients for one year more and then we should stopping support them ?

I have 2 projects on schedule that will need 6 months of development and web design and my contract are to have full support for 2-3 years. What do you think ? How can I trust Adobe for that if you change your mind to continue a software or to stop it without consider the developers, designers and customers of yours.

Adobe Muse is for all of us a tool and a software that we make money and living for. A tool that most of us - who do not want to mess with code - have supported our digital business. Why do you think you can play with your customers and their businesses.
I think you should be serious about it and if you are aiming to stop it, replace it with another same and equal program, and not with 2-3 demi - systems.





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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What is there to 'calm,' Preran? You work for what is now a disgusting company.  Sorry.  No 'calming' is happening here.  Many of us have been Adobe customers for years (I started way back in the early 90's with Aldus PageMaker!). I have seen Adobe do some crazy things in the past, but never this bad. I am truly shocked.  The level of "I do not give a rat's behind about our customers" that Adobe has basically just told us is astounding.  While Business Catalyst was always a disaster in the making, Muse was not.  This is just a really horrible decision some idiot at Adobe made (yes, one HAS to be a total and complete IDIOT to have made such a decision that basically screws a nice percentage of your loyal customers).  I, for one, will join ANY boycott and class action suit that comes of this...and I was never a joiner.  That tells you how pissed off we all are.  And this is just the first day of your announcement....wait a bit.....  I will now make it my lot in life to find alternatives to any and all Adobe products we use and then, as soon as I am able to, cancel my Adobe CC subscription.  You are not indispensable.  We will find alternatives.





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Engaged ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Check out GoodByeMuse for an upcoming alternative





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Explorer ,
Mar 26, 2018 Mar 26, 2018

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Spoiler alert. MuseGrid (GoodbyeMuse) is suggesting moving to WebFlow as your new website builder... large annual cost or more $/month than your CC subscription for the first usable subscription tier. The CC price hike might not seem so bad after seeing the WebFlow price options!





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