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Hi there.
Is Adobe Photoshop Elements officially compatibal with Windows 11 24H2?
Before updating our clients to Windows 11 24H2, we need to verify that all applications are compatible.
Kind regards
Anders Pålsson
System Specialist
Göteborgs Stad, Sweden
My computer has been updated to Win 11 24H2 and I have seen no problems with Elements 2025. I have had every version of Elements since Version 3 and I can't recall a single occassion when an upgrade to Windows caused a problem for Elements. (I am not talking about the few epic fails of a Windows upgrade that have caused general computer issues.)
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I guess the PSE 2025 system requirements was written before Windows 11 24H2 was released
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Hi, Jeff.
Many thanks for replying so fast. Much appreciated!
I just found out that I can actually ask that same question in the Adobe Admin Console, because in that portal they also support non-cloud applications as well.
Thanks again.
Kind regards
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My computer has been updated to Win 11 24H2 and I have seen no problems with Elements 2025. I have had every version of Elements since Version 3 and I can't recall a single occassion when an upgrade to Windows caused a problem for Elements. (I am not talking about the few epic fails of a Windows upgrade that have caused general computer issues.)
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Great news.
I'm just checking out if there are some known issues.
We're gonna perform our own test to verifiery.