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Bonjour à tous,
Je suis en phase d'essai de Photoshop Elements 2024 sur Mac (12.7.4).
J'ai des fichiers .HEIC en provenance de mon Samsung Galaxy S23.
Le Mac les lit très bien, de même je peux les modifier dans l'éditeur de photo de Photoshop Elements.
Mais impossible de les importer dans l'organizer.
J'ai un message qui me dit que les fichier est endommagé ou pas supporté. (Voir capture d'écran)
J'ai essayé avec des .HEIC en provenance d'un iPhone et ça fonctionne très bien.
Une idée?
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Je n'utilise pas le format HEIC moi-même, mais j'ai trouvé ce doc d'aide:
Je ne suis pas sûr que l'organiseur puisse importer et gérer ce format directement.
Pour info;
J'ai téléchargé un fichier exemple en HEIC sur le net et je peux l'ouvrir dans l'éditeur ou l'importer dans l'organizer, mais si je veux le modifier, il me propose le format psd... et sauve le résultat dans un jeu de version sans changer l'original.
J'ignorais que le S23 pouvait sortir du HEIC.
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Last discoveries:
My wife has just changed her smartphone for an S24 Samsung.
As expected, there is no option to output HEIC format files, but Samsung choice has been to introduce an "Expert Raw" option for that range of cameras. The raw format is DNG. As indicated in the Camera raw forum, the format for all lenses of the S24 is supported in ACR 16.2.
More info when I have some time to test and discover...
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The S23 takes very high resolution photos. In Windows, such photos may be rejected as exceeding the maximum size. I don't know if there is a similar issue for Macs. I will ping @Jeff Arola, another community expert who may have more knowledge about this.
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I guess it depends on which camera was used to take the .HEIC images.
When you have one of the .HEIC images open in the Photoshop Elements Editor and go
to Image>Resize>Image Size, what do the Pixel Dimensions read?
You can also see the Pixel Dimensions if you right click one of the .HEIC files in Finder and click Get Info, then under More Info read the Dimensions.
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Here are the informations got from mac Finder on one image that does not import:
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I don't find the image too big.
Note that I checked with another HEIC image that imports correctly. A key difference is related to the colorspace, which is sRGB IEC61966-2.1 for Samsung and Display P3 for an iPhone.
I also checked with an image from a S21FE, same colorprofile (sRGB IEC61966-2.1) than for S23, same error importing.
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Interestingly, I took the image that did not worked and opened it in "GraphicConverter", saved it into another name, but still HEIF. Hurray! The newly exported image imports correctly in Elements Organizer (with the same colorprofile by the way).
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I believe Adobe rolled out an update for Lightroom and Photoshop when Samsung switched to HEIC capture. Not sure about Elements but interesting that the files are recognized in the Editor but not the Organizer.