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Ich habe den Katalog auf einer externen Festplatte gesichert. Kann ich ihn von dort problemlos auf meinen neuen Computer mit Windows10 und PSE 2021 importieren inkl. gesetzte Tags?
It's very important to understand what you did to save your catalog to an external drive.
- If you have used the 'backup' function of the PSE8 organizer, you have created a 'backup folder' on your hard disk. It's a folder containing renamed copies of all your media files. They are renamed starting with 'B00...'. That folder also contains a file named 'catalog.buc' and another one 'backup.tly'. From your new PSE21 organizer, you now have to 'restore' that backup where you want. The first step re-
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It's very important to understand what you did to save your catalog to an external drive.
- If you have used the 'backup' function of the PSE8 organizer, you have created a 'backup folder' on your hard disk. It's a folder containing renamed copies of all your media files. They are renamed starting with 'B00...'. That folder also contains a file named 'catalog.buc' and another one 'backup.tly'. From your new PSE21 organizer, you now have to 'restore' that backup where you want. The first step re-creates your media files folder tree and is followed by a catalog conversion which creates a new catalog in the PSE2021 format.
- If you have only created a copy of the catalog folder (the database without copies of your photo files), then its necessary to say if your photo files are still in the same computer which has both the PSE8 and the PSE2021 version. If so, from the PSE2021 organizer you only have to 'convert' the PSE8 catalog into a new one in the PSE2021 format. Nothing to import.
- If your PSE2021 is on a different computer, please describe exactly what you did.
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Thank you for your very useful Information. I have used the «backup function of the PSE8 organiser on my old computer. I created a backup folder on an external hard disk. My new PSE2021 will be on a different computer. I wanted to know first, if it is possible, before I will try to do so.Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10
By @defaultdvg0ob3myhwx
Yes, that should work: that's the way most users have been migrating to a new computer since the first versions of the organizer.
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Schon vor längerer Zeit wollte ich von PSE8 auf eine aktuellere Verion umsteigen, aber es war nicht möglich den Katalog von PSE8 zu konvertieren. Auch Adobe konnte mir damals nicht weiterhelfen.
Jetzt würde mich interessieren, ob diese hier geschilderte Vorgehensweise geklappt hat?
Vielen Dank schon im voraus für Ihre Antwort