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I worked up a file in the Expert mode, then did a vignette in the Guided mode (if you have a tip on how to do a good vignette in the Expert mode I'm all ears). I saved the file in Guided mode and got a popup asking me something (that I can't remember) and when the file opened back up in Expert mode I had severely dsyfucntional functionality. Any idea what may have happened? Perhaps I should've done the vignette in Guided mode first? Any way to get functionality back in Expert mode for that particular .psd? Thanks.
2 Correct answers
What functions have you lost in Expert Mode? I'm guessing that you saw the popup after clicking on the Refine Shape button. That should have nothing to do with your problem.. But when you finished the Guided Edit, you probably clicked on the Next button, you would be asked how you wish to continue, and you probably chose to go to Quick Mode instead of Expert Mode. Quick Mode only has limited editing functionality. All you need do is click on the Expert Tab at the top of the screen. If my
...You can create a vignette manually in Expert mode:
1. Open your picture file (Background layer}
2. Duplicate the Background layer (Background copy layer)
3. Open a blank layer at the top (Layer 1)
3. Activate the Elliptical marquee tool and set the feather value to 25-35px
4. Drag out the ellipse to embrace what you wish on the picture, on Layer 1
5. Set the foreground color chip to black, then go to Edit>Fill selection>foreground color
6. Drag Layer 1 between the Background and Background copy
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What functions have you lost in Expert Mode? I'm guessing that you saw the popup after clicking on the Refine Shape button. That should have nothing to do with your problem.. But when you finished the Guided Edit, you probably clicked on the Next button, you would be asked how you wish to continue, and you probably chose to go to Quick Mode instead of Expert Mode. Quick Mode only has limited editing functionality. All you need do is click on the Expert Tab at the top of the screen. If my guess is incorrect, please give us more details.
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Thanks Greg. (Thought I posted this earlier.) I did not choose the Quick mode. What I did was in the "Guided" mode when I was done with the vignette I went to the top left in the toolbar and chose File>Save Then when I clicked on Expert at the top I got the Cancel/Discard/Save popup. This confused me as I felt I had just saved it, so I probably chose "Discard."
The dysfunctionality is that all the layers do not respond at all. I am able to open a new layer though and was able to add text with it. But now that I know just to go from Guided to Expert I'll have no problems. (Plus, I've been experimenting, I see I can save the changes in Guided and then choose not to save them in Expert.) All good. Thank you.
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You can create a vignette manually in Expert mode:
1. Open your picture file (Background layer}
2. Duplicate the Background layer (Background copy layer)
3. Open a blank layer at the top (Layer 1)
3. Activate the Elliptical marquee tool and set the feather value to 25-35px
4. Drag out the ellipse to embrace what you wish on the picture, on Layer 1
5. Set the foreground color chip to black, then go to Edit>Fill selection>foreground color
6. Drag Layer 1 between the Background and Background copy layers, and shut off tbe visibility of the Background layer
7. Go to Layer menu>Create clipping mask
8. Press CTRL+D to get rid of the marching ants
9. You will be left with the vignette surrounded by transparency. You can fill this in with color, a pattern, a gradient, or anything to suit.
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Thanks very much, hatstead. I appreciate the help. However, unless I missed something, when I was done following your instructions, I just ended up with a black center. Yes, I could fill in the surrounding transparent areas, but the black center stayed. I used an AI tool to double-check, and it says there might be a missing step. Its instructions (attached) seemed to work.
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The workflow as described works for me, but there are different ways to do things in PSE. This is a classic technique for using a clipping mask.
Step #4 on Layer 1 is critical. If the AI generated process works for you, then you are all set.
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Thanks hatstead. Appreciate the follow-up response.
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I've been experimenting with it. Seems when I turn that layer panel with the clipping mask on it entirely black and then use the eraser tool to get rid of then center area, then use the Gausian blur that I can come up with a real nice vignette right where I want it. Thanks.