Photoshop Elements 2024
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When will Photoshop Elements 2024 be introduced? To date I have heard nothing about it.
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Those who tell can't know and those who know can't tell.
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PSE 2023 was released on September 28, 2022.
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I thought I saw where photoshop elements 2024 was to be released today yet I see nothing on the internet regarding its release.
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That was probably me- just a prediction on my part. If not today (which it probably isn't) I'm guessing from now till about Nov 15th--- which about
covers the releases of all the previous versions.....
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I'm hoping that they include the new Adobe Firefly for Elements 2024. That might be too much to wish for since its being used for the more expensive Photoshop, but it would be a nice addition for us too.
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If it is not in PSE 2024, I would expect it to be in PSE 2025.
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I only pay $10.84 a month for photoshop. That's two small foo foo coffee drinks. . Not whiskey drinks, Not vodka drinks, not lager drink, not cider drinks--- (that's based on a line from a song by chumpbawumba "I get knocked down"
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Play with firefly right now: nothing to install all online.
Adobe Firefly – Generative AI for Everyone
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Today is September 30th, and still no word on Elements 2024. Maybe a delay to add some new AI features?
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That's pretty doubtful. There is a reason why PSE is still kinda cheap--- If all the things people requested got added it would have more features than Photoshop.
It's not hard to look to look at each version's features and compare for yourself.
For me for PSE 2023 the new warp tool was the "shut up and take my money moment. See how the text is arched a bit? Select the new warp tool, drag the corners down to where you want them, and done. It offers so much more control than the old warp tool- and for me that was the feature that said "buy me".
Everything (including my prediction of it being released today, Sept 30th) is all just speculation.
There are things I would like to see PSE have the ability to do, but I also realize that the program will always have limitations. People will spend sometimes hundreds of dollars adding things to the program to "get it to be just like Photoshop"- that's something I've never understood---- Users will drop a hundred dollars on a Topaz labs plug in yet they often do not fully understand the programs capabilities--- compare it to the analogy "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."
PSE already has and uses AI- it's just called "sensi" by the Adobe folks.
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Amazon are currently listing PE2024 with an availability date of 19 October.
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That is the amazon UK site.
No, you can't be living in the U.S. and purchase from the UK site.
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I'm sure the description on the UK site will be the same for the US version:
Quick photo fixes. Total transformations. AI, automation, and a refreshed experience make photo editing easy. Automatically match the color and tone of any photo, or select a sky or background with one click. For unique looks, create stylized text and experiment with new backgrounds and Artistic Effect options. Share pics in fast-moving Photo Reels. Enjoy a whole new experience with an updated look, one-click Quick Actions in one place, and direct access to thousands of free Adobe Stock photos. And when you’re on the go, try creative overlays in the Elements Web companion app and one-click fixes in the Elements Mobile companion app (English-only beta) — your photos and videos auto-sync so they’re available everywhere.
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Perosnally I don't aim too high with PSE. I'd be happy if the next release (2024, whenever that is but the sooner rather than later) would recognise images from my Fujifilm XT-5 without havning to go through the tiresome and cumbersome and slightly quality reducing conversion process!
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You don't have to go thru any conversion process.... You can manually install a version of ACR that will work with your images. Editing RAW images in PSE is a non destructive process anyway-- you work on a copy of the raw file- the raw file is never truly edited in ACR.
The following is a workaround to update Camera Raw within Elements. It is recommended to wait for Camera Raw updates within the product for issue fixes.
If you haven't been able to update the Camera Raw plug-in for Elements, follow these steps:
- Download and install the latest Camera Raw version from
- Quit all Adobe applications.
- On macOS, double-click the .dmg file to mount it.
- On Windows double-click the downloaded .zip file to unzip it. (Windows might unzip the file for you.)
- On macOS, double-click the .pkg file to start the installer.
- On Windows, double-click the resulting .exe file to start the installer.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
- Once installed successfully, close the installer window.
- Navigate to the following folder:
- On macOS: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-ins/CC/File Formats
- On Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CC\File Formats
- Copy the Camera Raw plug-in from the CC > File Formats folder that is mentioned in the above step.
- Navigate to the following folder:
- On macOS: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-ins/Elements<Version Number>/File Formats
- On Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\Elements<Version Number>\File Formats
- Replace the existing Camera Raw plugin in Elements<Version Number> folder with the plug-in that you copied in step 8.
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Thanks Glen,
Being a Luddite at heart, and somewhat technologically challenged, I may wait till the 2024 version surfaces.
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AMAZING! Thanks Glenn!
This rather simple process made it so that I can see my Fujifilm X-T5 RAF files directly in Elements 2022! I thought that, whenever Adobe introduces a new version, they stopped supporting new camera models with the previous version. I didn't know about this method to be able to update the supported cameras in the previous version. Glad I stumbled into this thread!
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Hello Glenn
The Community Luddite here!! LOL!
I actually went ahead and performed every step you outlined in your detailed instructions on how to install the latest Camera RAW plug-in (happens to be V.16, no less), again with no success. In fact my Windows 10 lacked reference to Elements 23 in the Program Files folder, instead referringto PSE 21, a version I had NEVER purchased nor installed. When I attempted to import some RAF format files PSE2023 gave the usual error message that it didn't recognise the format. That, plus the fact that I had read somewhere PSE23 would not work with (was incompatible with) the latest version of ACR, made me think that no matter how many times I downloaded the latest verison of ACR (and I have done so many times, but cannot find it on my system) made me think I first had to get past the Organiser "gatekeeper" before I might even hope to marrymy RAF files with the latest version of ACR. So, still waiting, praying and hoping PSE2024 is officially soon released. Cheers and thanks again. Fred
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The 2024 versions are now posted for sale on several online retailers, but all marked "Out of stock". One site indicated "Available for purchase 10/19" 10 days or so looks like
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That is done, typically, by companies who don't know how to make good websites. Companies get product images and product descriptions sent out before the general public availability. They set up the product page but mark it "out of stock" or some other silly poor website design (like not having a purchase button). The day and time the product is released it's easy for them to update the website---such as simply turning on the "buy now / download" options.
Staples, a moderate sized company in the U.S. has done exactely that. People will hop in their cars, and drive to stores looking for it.... people will call all the stores in their area "looking for it" "I heard"....often the beginning of the in person, or online conversation.
People will also do google searches and find websites based in places like China, Poland, India, and Pakistan offering it for sale---- often with an 80% discount, and 100% illegal.
Bottom Line: It has not been released as of OCTOBER 8TH, 2023.
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I found 2 web sites showing the software would be on sale October 19th. Check out the followint links
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Thanks Beegee55,
Just have to wait, pray and see!!!
I'm hankering to have PSE 2024 hopefully offering instant compatibility with images downloaded from my Fujifilm XT-5 (in RAF RAW format) without having to go through the laborious conversion to DNG format process. This wasn't necessary when I had a Fujfilm XS-10 and was easily able to download RAF RAW format directly and seamlessly via PSE 2023. What's the difference? Does anyone know? A RAF file is a RAF file isn't it, whatever camera it's sourced from? Also PSE 2023 does not appear to recognise Cmaera RAW version 15.2, which I've tried download without success!!!
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This wasn't necessary when I had a Fujfilm XS-10 and was easily able to download RAF RAW format directly and seamlessly via PSE 2023. What's the difference?
By Frederick Jansohn
It's because, fortuitously, PSE 2023 already supported the X-S10.
The list of cameras supported by Camera Raw is maintained, and regularly updated, here by Adobe.
Every new camera model means that Camera Raw has to be updated and we have to wait for the update before we can open our Raw files directly into Elements.
The X-S10 requires Camera Raw 13.0 or later.
This link shows that PSE 2023 ships with Camera Raw 14.4 so the X-S10 was supported out of the box.
The X-T5 has been supported since Camera Raw 15.0. If you follow the steps outlined by @Greg_S. below, you can open your X-T5 Raw files in PSE 2023 right now.
Otherwise wait until PSE 2024 ships. But there's no need to pay for the upgrade if you merely want X-T5 support in PSE 2023. That support is available for free today.

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