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I have been a user of the Elements" produe line for many years. Today I spent over an hour trying to resolve an issue that I am having; namely, lack of a low-cost cloud solution for using Premiere Elements. I have recently taken a large number of photos and wanted to add them, but my hard drive is full, In addition, I have some 16K photos backed up on an external hard drive that I would like to add, so I have the ability to access them fromanywhere and share with my family and friends. In "chatting' with Adobe today, I was advised that in order to hve a cloud solution I had to subscribe to the Adobe family offering at a cosy 0f $700+ per year. Way too expensive given that I only need a storage solution and not all the bells and whistles. Given this, I would like for Adobe to consider offering a reasonably proed cloud soluton for Elements and tha ability for it to asign a record number to the photos so that they can easily be refeeced from a hard drive, etc. I have many photos that are backed upthat I will have to reconnect which is very time consuming. Does anyone else share this opinion?
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