PSD text effects Templates in Photoshop elements
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I am trying to use Text Effect PSD templates in photoshop elements 2021 but I can's seem to make them work. Does anyone have any guides on this? Is it even possible to use this type of text effect in Elements?
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Where are the templates from?
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What effect are you trying to apply?
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Can you post a link to one of them?
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The templates I saw were for Photoshop, not Photoshop Elements.
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Lots of things that say "photoshop" work just fine in PSE. Brushes for example... ABR files work just fine- the ABR file doesn't care what program it's in.
Same goes for shape files---
Text effect templates work too- for the most part. Big issues ares missing fonts, and missing effects. You download a tempalte, and some font's in the template are missing, or an effect in Phtoshop (ambient lighting for one) is missing (nothing you can do about that) ( just note the fonts that ae missing and download them).
Nothing magical about text effect downloads: Some are simply messy- not very organized, while others are pretty simple to edit. The biggest concern, I think, may be the grouping and ungrouping of layers.
I literally will turn layers off, one at a time, and see what happens on the screen. Adjusment layers seem to be the biggest thing that confuses people- many simply seem to do nothing if you turn them on or off. I am convinced that most of the free text effect downloads are "works in progress" and often will contain things that simply are not set up very well.
There also is nothing magical about editing thext effect downloads-
You really have to understand the grouping and ungrouping layers, and realize yo uaretaking chances: A text layer in photoshop with 3D extrusion applied to it just won't work in PSE- along with Ambient lighting effects- those are things that are in Photoshop, but not PSE, so they won't work in PSE.
I've donwloaded some text effects in the past and have come to the conclusion, for me anyway, not to mess with them, simply becouase many can only be described as "a hot mess".
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A text effect (that said "photoshop" I downloaded... nothing really mysterious about it
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Which specific template are you having problems with?