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Installed Photoshop Elements 2019 on Mac OS Mojave and now every action in Photoshop Elements 2019 Editor has a several second delay with the spinning color wheel. I see lots of similar complains on this forum. Has anyone received any help from Adobe to investigate or fix this problem? Anyone have any solutions?
1 Correct answer
Hi jameslarus,
Thanks for posting in Adobe forums.
It seems you are facing issue with spinning wheel in Adobe Photoshop Elements after upgrading Mac OS.
Could you please try the following steps :
• Click Apple icon >> System Preferences
• Security and privacy >> Click on the lock to unlock it then enter the administrator password >> Enable (check the radio button) the Photoshop Elements 2019 editor and Elements Organizer 2019 that appear in the list.
• Click on the lock again to lock it.
• Restart Mac
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I would like that link if you could please provide it.
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I have tried all suggestions above .. to include the Terminal Utility suggested. No real change and I am using elements 19.
I was ask to work on the 2020 edition so was given the first drop. So far ... the problem appears to have been resolved. I am able to work on photo's in editor with the organizer open. The only time the spinning wheel is active is when a massive change in the photo's is being made, which, based on the size of some of my photo's, I understand.
Net .. hope the release in the next couple of weeks for elements 19 ( which is my workhorse ) has whatever modifications they are making to the 2020 version in the release.
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Sorry suggestions didn’t work for you. Not good Thanks for update. Adobe seem to be helping
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I have done this. Doesn't help. Spoke with Apple Support (WHY DOESN'T ADOBE HAVE ACTUAL PEOPLE WE CAN SPEAK WITH?) Apparently, this is something Adobe needs to address and soon.
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I actually talked to someone at Apple (1-800-275-2273) last week and she had me try the following. So far it is working. She said if becomes a problem again to talk to Adobe.
Shut down computer from Apple logo, then hold down with one hand - shift, control and option keys and, still holding those down, hold down the power button until the computer starts up again. Enter user password. This refreshes the system. So far so good.
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Sorry to say. Been there. Done that. Fixes
for short time for me
Best for me was to do change in Terminal
utility as explained elsewhere
Apple advised me Re this. Let’s see how you
go. Good luck
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I tried closing out the Organizer and it was better, but I mainly do digital scrapbooking with PSE19 and go back and forth between the Editor and Organizer to find digital things in my organizer to use on a scrapbook page. Closing out the organizer all the time greatly increases the time it takes me to complete a page. So far the method of refreshing the system I mentioned above from Apple is working. It's been a week, so we'll see.
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Hi all,
there is an update for Photoshop Elements 2019 released which addresses the spinning beachball on Mojave. Please update your installed Photoshop Elements from Help > Updates menu. Once updated, please check if you have the build 17.0 (20190220.m.128867) (Adobe Photoshop Elements Editor > About Photoshop Elements menu) as shown in the splash screen below to confirm that the update has been successfully applied:
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Aurobinda Thanks . Have done that ..Will give it a little while to see if my main problem, in the Organiser, is fixed. I assume this update also fixes things in Organiser. The info page of what is fixed which i was offered was out of date. Where can I get info about what this update fixes. I had similar problems, i.e. viewing video clips, in Premiere as well. I see no update for that. Is one coming? Thanks Chris
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Thanks, Aurobinda. I've just done the update so I'll see how it works now. I tried the terminal thing and it was worse than ever.
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Well, I don't think the update was any help at all. I worked on a scrapbook layout after the update and it took me 31 minutes to scroll through my organizer and find what I wanted to use for my layout and it should have only taken 1-2 minutes. Spinning ball is SOOO frustrating and so is Adobe for not fixing this issue.
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This fixes the spinning wheel issue in PSE editor on Mojave (MacOS 10.14).
This one seems to be a different issue. Please let me know the Catalog size (no. Images/videos), steps to get the problem and the system details.
Does it happens evertime you perform the steps?
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Have you switched off Auto analize?
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I switched of auto analyses and it appears to resolved the organizer spinning wheel ... thanks for suggestion.
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I have 82,145 digital scrapbook items in my organizer. It only started happening when I upgraded from PSE15 to 19 and went to Mojave. I never had an issue with the spinning ball prior to that. I'm not sure what steps and system details you want. Let me know and I'll get them for you.
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I downloaded the update last week and now everything is working! No more spinning beach balls! I can again switch between the Organizer the the Photo Editor quickly and easily. I am so happy!
I was running Photoshop Elements when the Adobe update box automatically appeared and asked me if I wanted to download the update. For me, it was like asking if I wanted to continue suffering with the awful beach ball, or did I want to be saved from the continued misery? I immediately downloaded the update and I've been very happy ever since. However, I'm still upset with Adobe for taking so long and not telling us that they were even working on a fix.
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The recent update has done it for me. Thank you Adobe now a pleasure to use!!
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which update? How recent?
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It came out around the 19 - 29th March for Elements 2019 build 17
see Adobe staff Aurobinder post in this discussion.
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That’s what I thought. That didn’t fix it for me. I don’t know what else to do. I’m so very unhappy with Adobe.
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Have you turned off auto analyses in organizer? Seems to have a
helped some with large catalogs
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I don’t know. Where do I go for that?
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I selected Elements Organizer>Preferences>Media-Analysis but this is what I have there
Analysis Options
checked box Show Smart Tags and Auto-Curate
checked box Generate Auto Creations
Automatically Analyze Media
checked box Images
checked box Videos
What do I want to do with this since it doesn't say Analyze Media for Smart Tags?
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uncheck the boxes under Automatically Analyze Media, both images and videos