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Will Adobe Sketch and the other mobile apps be available on Android?

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Jun 18, 2014 Jun 18, 2014

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I love the idea of a mobile digital sketch pad but I don't own anything other than Android products. Are Android users going to have to bite the bullet and buy a tablet they don't want for a program they do or, will there be a light at the end of this tunnel with apps for everyone to fully enjoy?






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Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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Any of those who are STILL complaining about apps, did they at least try the new Android utility apps and have a feedback on them, while at?





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Enthusiast ,
Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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I tried to use Color CC and Shape CC. Shape CC would immediately crash upon launch, and Color would freeze every time I tried to use the camera function.

Nexus 5 running 5.1.1

*long, slow clap*





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Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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That is strange, please report it

Deja Springfield wrote:

I tried to use Color CC and Shape CC. Shape CC would immediately crash upon launch, and Color would freeze every time I tried to use the camera function.

Nexus 5 running 5.1.1

*long, slow clap*





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Enthusiast ,
Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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I've already given both apps a 1-star review. Does that count?

floramc wrote:

That is strange, please report it





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Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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There's a feedback option in the apps, or that should be. If you want to make your voice really heard, I'd go that way, my penny on it





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Enthusiast ,
Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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floramc wrote:

There's a feedback option in the apps, or that should be. If you want to make your voice really heard, I'd go that way, my penny on it

That'd be great if I was able to get ShapeCC to launch...





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Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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It's 1 am here, I should drop the forum and get some sleep

And I am sorry about your experience. I could not get the Android app to work on my old Samsung, but I have an iPad, I was hoping more could join the Android board... very sorry about that.





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Participant ,
Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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Hi floramc - I haven't tried any - because about 2 months ago - I broke down and purchased my kid's unused iPad mini 2 off of him (strange how that worked out - raw deal - I bought it twice). I needed it as a console remote for some music recording software I use. Anyhow - answer... no. I have them all on iPad, and they are numerous. I play around with all and they are pretty cool.   Also - just to be clear to you and other moderators etc... my last post is not a complaint of any kind (and I know yer not necessarily saying that). I am simply popping back in and describing the root of the customer frustration in this string - as I see it - because some recent responses are STILL (I borrowed that one lol) focusing on the business approach and rationale in defense of Adobe on this one. I just disagree strongly with that take at this stage. Adobe biffed the handling of this for sure - especially where CC is concerned. I'm was re-explaining for those reading - who may not understand the whole basis for any Android user frustration - or the background. Most folks on here tho - are upset about how long this took etc, and how it went down - and I'm describing why that is not necessarily greedy or inexplicable - and that Android was the original platform with all the apps. That's all. I think that is relevant to the discussion.

Thx for keeping us informed on the app status too - this is helpful! And it's encouraging to see Android app development (whether resurrected or not) is back underway. Is anyone ever gunna give you guys the "correct answer" mark for sticking this thing out? IS there a correct answer?? lol





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Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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All fine by me, I was just curious about reactions on the new apps. I get good feedback outside the forum on shape, not as good on photoshop mix, very good about color... as stated I could not get the apps running on my old samsung so I am out to read what others think. That was all.

I was not out to spank you for your comment, you already had an answer from a valuable ACP, I am not better than others here, was just trying to get a conversation running on the 4 existing utility apps . Happy you enjoy the apps on the iPad, though and keep on letting us know how you feel.

Believe me if something is very clear to me is that Android users are not happy





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Contributor ,
Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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I really like the 4 new apps for android.  They are all very unique and help to expand creative possibilities. They are great. And as a strict Android user, I don't blame Adobe or any other developer for wanting to develop apps for Apple first if it's just easier and a faster way to enter the market. That makes perfect sense, and that's just the way things go in general for a lot of companies.  But at any rate, it is really nice to see some apps available for android, and I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing more in the future.





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Jun 24, 2015 Jun 24, 2015

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‌Woha... I had to sit and drink cold water to read this one. Good feedback, no apple hostility... I must read that again, wait...





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Explorer ,
Jun 24, 2015 Jun 24, 2015

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Hi, I'm Dave, and I found this thread on my search today for *more* Adobe CC apps for my android. Yes, I said "more."

I already have, on my Samsung Galaxy SIII: Adobe Lightroom, Color CC, Shape CC and Edge Inspect. And I've had no problems with any of them to date. I love them.

I've read through all 4 pages here -- on my 15" MacBook Pro -- and to all those harsh comments: my jaw drops!

I'm fine paying for CC Complete, but I don't feel the need to be demanding and entitled about them. With CC I expect: Indesign, Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator and Adobe Muse. The mobile apps are a bonus, but it's not because that's what I'm entitled to. It's not because "Adobe has-to" -- Android apps weren't part of the package I signed up for - the mobile apps are a bonus! A treat!


Dave Olden

"Happy Adobe Creative Cloud, MacBook Pro, and Android User (and: They all get along just fine!)."





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Jun 24, 2015 Jun 24, 2015

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Holy my popping bandoly, I am shocked... what's happening here? Did I accidentally jump in a new dimension where there are satisfied Android users?

Dave, thank you so much for your comment, did put a smile on my face. You are probably the voice of a minority but thanks for bringing it in.

That said, I hope more apps will be available for Android asap.





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Explorer ,
Jun 25, 2015 Jun 25, 2015

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floramc wrote:

Holy my popping bandoly, I am shocked... what's happening here? Did I accidentally jump in a new dimension where there are satisfied Android users?

Dave, thank you so much for your comment, did put a smile on my face. You are probably the voice of a minority but thanks for bringing it in.

That said, I hope more apps will be available for Android asap.

Not so much "a new dimension" as an optimistic one. We've been living amongst you for some time, and only now have we come forward to make contact with your species.

Tell your Adobe leaders that Adobe Comp CC for Android would be much appreciated. Sketching apps would be cool too.





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Explorer ,
Jun 26, 2015 Jun 26, 2015

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I, for one, am grateful that Adobe team works out all the bugs in it's mobile apps on the iOS peasantry before daring to bring their products to superior devices.





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Jun 26, 2015 Jun 26, 2015

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Chip Fieberg wrote:

I, for one, am grateful that Adobe team works out all the bugs in it's mobile apps on the iOS peasantry before daring to bring their products to superior devices.

Be kind ‌to iOS users now please  I really don't feel that much of a peasant either





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Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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Hi Jay ! What a coincidence: moments before I hit the Post Reply button for my previous post, I removed a complete paragraph from my answer about Adobe's 'second wave' of apps. (We're already in the third now.)

The first wave was just a bunch of remote controls for Photoshop; the second wave included many more ambitious apps, and some of them indeed only or initially appeared on Android ! A plausible reason why Adobe had some apps out on Android, while not porting them quicker (or at all) to iOS in the past, may have something to do with the longer legacy of Flash (and AIR) on Android. Apple (rightfully) cut this technique short, and Adobe needed to recuperate from this 'blow'. In the meantime the development of apps came to a halt.

The current third wave (hooking onto the CC phenomena) seems to be instigated on the iOS again, with Android following. Why there's no simultaneous development, has been explained in earlier posts. But i.m.h.o. Adobe seems to prefer iOS now because it's easier and stricter to develop for. That sounds like a contradiction, but Apple has far more rigid rules for development, making it both easier but also harder to develop for. So if a certain feature or technical method can be achieved on Android, it's no guarantee it can be done on iOS as well. So it's better to start with the stricter platform.

For the rest: let's leave the numbers iOS vs Android to the bean counting marketeers. They have their reasons what to count (devices, users, potential customers, revenues, eventual profits, etc.). But I hope to have explained that there might be some technical reasons as well...





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Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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Peter - thanks for the description of the development process/timeline and any of it's logic therein. Agreed too - whenever I've constructed anything as an "app" (using flash pro ironically) or even a web app - iPad was an easier target - just simply because of the single resolution across all it's tablets. That's a real kicker for layout - and I'm sure the "strictest first" method has some good sense to it for the bigger schema. Adobe should clarify this illusive stuff to its frustrated folks tho - I mean - so simple to just explain what's up and why maybe. Oh well. Anyhow - good information that may help some of us understand that early release strangeness a little better. Hope the new apps gets worked out and are available soon. I like 'em on the iPad... would love'em on Android as well. Cheers!





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Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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Oh well, it would be nice if Adobe would give more insights into their deliberations and considerations. But it's like the announcements at the subway station: if they don't say anything about what's (not) happening, people will complain and ask the service staff to give more information; but if they do give information and explain what's (not) happening, people will start to complain about the reasons and causes. So there's no good-doing in any way or any kind of these situations...





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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2015 Jul 06, 2015

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Why aren't Color and Shape CC available on the Nexus 9?

It's pretty silly that I'm being punished for owning the latest Google tablet.

Make them compatible.

And please, let's get those iOS apps on Android too.

That's why I bought a membership.





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Jul 06, 2015 Jul 06, 2015

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Adam Degrassi wrote:

And please, let's get those iOS apps on Android too.

That's why I bought a membership.


This sounds very strange. If you subscribed just to get the mobile apps then you had to check thoroughly before you bought if you had the right equipment for that, just as those who primary buy for ae and pr check that the graphic card works and so forth.

I never heard of subscriptions chosen based solely on the adobe apps. Some like draw can work as independent tools but many of them are complements to desktop application so I am sorry but I really can't follow your thoughts. The subscription is very expensive just for the apps, sure you mean what you write?





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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2015 Jul 06, 2015

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Perhaps I should have made doubly sure they were available, but perhaps Adobe can be expected to develop for the largest market of mobile users.

I have a desktop but am frequently away from it, and I had hoped that I'd be able to continue my projects on the go. And maybe I will, if Adobe doesn't keep dragging it's knuckles.

I don't really appreciate your tone or analogy, flora. How many new graphics cards are simply not supported by Adobe? None? Should be the same for new Android Tablets.





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Enthusiast ,
Jul 06, 2015 Jul 06, 2015

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adegrassi wrote:

Perhaps I should have made doubly sure they were available, but perhaps Adobe can be expected to develop for the largest market of mobile users.

I have a desktop but am frequently away from it, and I had hoped that I'd be able to continue my projects on the go. And maybe I will, if Adobe doesn't keep dragging it's knuckles.

I don't really appreciate your tone or analogy, flora. How many new graphics cards are simply not supported by Adobe? None? Should be the same for new Android Tablets.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, adegrassi. In my experience on a Nexus5, the apps were completely broken. You're not missing out on much...





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Jul 06, 2015 Jul 06, 2015

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Adam Degrassi wrote:

I don't really appreciate your tone or analogy, flora. How many new graphics cards are simply not supported by Adobe? None? Should be the same for new Android Tablets.

I am not sure I get what is wrong with that. Before one invests in a subscription should first check if the tools are available for the units you use. It sounds very strange to hear this, I really never heard of subscribers who are there for the apps. I myself would not spend that amount of money for the apps only although I use them a lot. I stand for what I say, a correct procedure before an investment is to be sure you have what is required. My graphic card does not allow me to use 3D in Photoshop, it was nothing interesting for many years, now I will change my computer and will be sure to get one that allows me to work wirh 3D.

you probably interpret my tone not my same way. It was a nice suggestion it was not a critic. I am sorry you invest so much money for the apps and can't use them but if the apps are your main interests maybe get an iPad would not be a bad choice. My Samsung does not support the apps so I am stuck to iPhone and iPad for a while. I am happy with the apps and I use them a lot so I hope you can have them soon as I too use them when I am on the move and i agree they are great help.

still if you subsctibed for the apps without considering that they were available basically only for iOS for quite a long time you did something then let me say very brave





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Jul 06, 2015 Jul 06, 2015

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The suite of new apps is only available for Android smartphones right now. Adobe intends to open them all to Android tablets at some point.

Users have successfully reported sideloading them onto their tablets but as with anything not official, YMMV.

I wish they'd hurry and officially open them up so I can give feedback. No sense otherwise since they want to hear from phone users only right now.





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