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Captions in Nested Sequences & Exporting Workflows

Community Beginner ,
Nov 22, 2021 Nov 22, 2021

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Looking to understand if this is an issue. Before the update to the current Text panel (caption panel), caption files would just be placed in one of the video tracks, when nexting those sequences in other sequences, the captions would show inside the video track (similar to how markers would be visible in nested sequences). From here you would be able to export this new nested sequence and choose to export captions or embed captions, depencding on the specific need for the production.


In my workflow, I start with a main "broadcast" sequence and then create another sequence that has only a shorter element of the main sequence. The idea is to create different/shorter versions of the same content for various end-points. In the process of creating those shorter productions I was able to just place my captions in the main sequence and essentially edit out the parts of the captions that I didn't need for a shorter video, and I was able to export a sidecard or embed those cropped/edited captions. I liked this workflow because it was non-destructive to the master caption track in the main sequence.


Now in the new Text panel, I am not sure if that worklow is the same. I tried to export a video but in the export window under captions, it wouldn't let me activate it. I haven't done much troubleshooting besides that but I was wondering if anyone knew or also did a similar workflow, and if this is an issue.


Apologies if this is confusing, I realize it is a very specific workflow. I'm happy to clarify further if needed. At the essence of it, I'm wondering if captions follow nested sequences, and if I edit those nested sequences tracks, will my new version export with captions or do I need to re-create those captions from scratch?


Thnaks for your help.

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Community Expert ,
Nov 22, 2021 Nov 22, 2021

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This is what I believe. Short answer: in the sequence in which they are nested, they are part of the nested sequence. They can be burned in, but they are not really captions anymore.


The workaround is to copy/paste the captions from the original sequence into the new sequence - before editing the new sequence. When you edit this, you can delete captions as you go, so you get what I think you are looking for.


If the new sequence has no caption track, it will create a new track of the same type. The first caption pastes at the CTI, so you may need to position the CTI at the timecode of the first caption before pasting.


See this thread:



There's a feature request somewhere to have captions follow clips/sequences.








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Community Beginner ,
Jan 24, 2022 Jan 24, 2022

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Update: Tried to think about a workaround for my workflow recently, it worked fine but it is somewhat annoying because it is more manual than before.


This is what I did. I created my "master" broadcast edit, placed the .MCC file for captions, it created the tracks for it and it's all good. From here I have to create 2 other versions, one is a shorter section from the full program, the second one is a duplicate of the full length but for online use (we use different audio standards because of TV broadcasts and online). Before, I used to just nest the "master" sequence on the other 2 sequences to create the other versions, unfortunately now the captions are not "embedded" in the sequences, they are "burned in" (this is the issue, hopefully there is a fix in the future). It was my preference to use nested sequences because it had all I needed, edits and closed captions. When exporting, it also knew that the captions were embedded, and I could created a ".srt" file that matched the timecode of the shorter edited version. This was the workflow before the text panel update was pushed, back on the old captions panel. Now in this new panel my workflow is more manual. My solution to the captions being "burned in" in nested sequences is to "hide" them in the master sequence first, and then create new captions tracks on the secondary versions of the program I edit. I re-import the .MCC captions file to create new cc tracks. My short secondary version is created from the same master edit, so intro graphics, the main program section, and credits, all come from the same full program, so the captions match everything. I have to essentially create a duplicate of the "master" edit, except my footage and audio is nested, the captions are original tracks, then I start cutting the parts that I need to create the shorter version and make sure that I also keep the captions necessary that match the program (It's also very weird that the default when clicking a "captions layer" now is to "select all").


Like I mentioned, it's more manual work but it sort of works. Hopefully in the future embedded captions in nested sequence are once again a thing. I haven't really found a solution to this, I did read other forums and other questions similar to the topic of captions and nested sequences but it seems like everyone is in the same of boat of "that option doesn't exist but here is a workaround."




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Engaged ,
Jan 08, 2023 Jan 08, 2023

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Adobe has totally ignored this and it should be filed as a bug report. There's no excuse for preventing us from exporting captions related to a nested sequence that is clearly showing the captions. The Captions category at export, for any nested sequence, remains greyed out. Stupid.




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Participant ,
Dec 21, 2023 Dec 21, 2023

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It's essential when captions are exported,  that nested sequences containing captions get exported with the timestamps they appear on the main timeline. They don't export at all which creates a nightmarish hassle to be able to export a complete captioned movie, and also have it so those captions can be exported in the nested sequence. 
I have such an occasion where I have a 53 minute video, witth 4 10 minute sequences that are captioned separately. I want to export each segment to it's own movie and I also want to have the complete timeline, and export them. Now,  I have to make a duplicate of the nested captioins on the main timeline. If I make an adjustments I have to compentate in two places. 
Please fix this.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 23, 2024 Feb 23, 2024

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Did you ever figure out a workaround, i have a similar work flow.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 23, 2024 Feb 23, 2024

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I think the easiest workaround is what I described below - "The workaround is to copy/paste the captions from the original sequence into the new sequence - before editing the new sequence. When you edit this, you can delete captions as you go, so you get what I think you are looking for."



Making nested captions continue to function as captions would be a feature request.







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