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Discuss : AMD Hardware Accelerated Encode for 10 bit 4:2:0 HEVC

Adobe Employee ,
Mar 04, 2022 Mar 04, 2022

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With the latest Adobe Premiere Pro Beta build we have enabled Hardware Accelerated Encoding through AMD GPU card for 10 bit 4:2:0 HEVC.


What does this mean for you? It means that export times for your 10 bit 4:2:0 HEVC footage are significantly faster on supported AMD hardware! 


If you have AMD GPU card that supports 10 bit 4:2:0 HEVC encode on your Windows machine, you will be able to use this feature. HEVC 10bit is enabled in Navi10 and up: Consumer: RX 5XXX, RX 6XXX, Pro: W 5XXX, W 6XXX. Minimum driver version required is 21.10.1. Its corresponding Windows Driver Store version for Win 10/11 is 30.0.13025.1000.


To enable this option, select HEVC from the Format drop-down under Export Settings. Then under the Video tab, go to Encoding Settings. If GPU card supports HW encoding, Performance field will be set to  Hardware Encoding. Set the profile level to Main 10. Setting it to Software Encoding will disable hardware encoding and Adobe Premiere Pro won't use AMD HW to encode the media. Please see attached screenshot.

Feature is enabled in Adobe Premiere Pro Beta and Adobe Media Encoder Beta.


Please try out the feature and share your feedback.







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