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Ergonomic bug on new Export window - no CANCEL button

Engaged ,
Dec 03, 2021 Dec 03, 2021

Copy link to clipboard

Copied Build 17


Ran into an odd quirk with the Export window.  It's easy to accidentally close Premier if you're not paying attention.


So here's what happened:

I've been exporting a lot of clips, and I lost where I last exported one to. To check I went to Export just to see what the last path used was.  Seeing it, I was ready to go back File Explorer to find the file, and in the absence of the cancel button, I clicked the red X.  I got a "do you want to save" dialog, and no I did not want to save the export, so I clicked No.  Premier closed!  I lost my work.  Doh!


The issue is the Export takes over the whole screen and the normal Windows navigation LOOKS LIKE it will just close the Export dialog. Instead it will close the whole program.

First the Export window needs a Cancel button that will take it back to Edit.

Second, it might be best if the Export window pops up in a window that can be closed with normal UI gestures independent of the program.

Bug , Feedback






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