Now in Beta: Translate Captions for Premiere Pro
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Ever since we launched Text-Based Editing, you’ve been asking for translation capabilities. We’re happy to have an answer to this top request: now you can translate captions in 17 languages without leaving Premiere Pro!
You can translate captions that are generated inside Premiere Pro or imported via .srt file. Currently, only translation of captions is supported – not transcripts.
To use caption translation:
- Create Captions in the Text panel.
- Select the Translate captions icon in the Captions tab.
- Choose the language you want your captions translated into and select Translate. You can select multiple languages!
- Captions will be translated using a cloud service and third-party translation models, and a new track will be created in the Timeline panel. The progress of the translation is displayed in the Progress panel and on the track item.
- You can now enable multiple captions simultaneously! Just select the eye icon for each corresponding language track to display all the captions on the Program Monitor.
Styling Captions
You can then select and style the captions using the options in the Properties panel. Once you are done styling, apply the style to all captions in the track by selecting the Redefine style icon in the Properties panel and selecting All captions on track.
Exporting Captions
After styling the captions, you can export captions (as .srt files), or export videos with captions burned-in, or sidecar files. Burned-in captions allow exporting multiple captions simultaneously, while currently, embed and sidecar captions only support exporting one caption at a time.
For more details you can visit the page
Your feedback is valuable!
We hope this new feature helps to breaks language barriers, enabling you to connect with global audiences effortlessly. Your feedback is critical, especially when it comes to the nuance of translation as well as the overall workflow within the app.
You can provide feedback on the quality and accuracy of the translation or report it for being problematic or offensive by selecting the icon at the bottom-left corner of the Captions tab and rating or reporting the content.
Let us know what you think!
Vaibhavi Jani
Senior Product Manager, Adobe Premiere Pro
1 Pinned Reply
If you have tried the feature in the beta build please leave your feedback here
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For multi track captioniong we need a way to import more than one caption track and choose which caption track to import to. Currently there is none. It will only allow you to import one track!
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>For multi track captioniong we need a way to import more than one caption track and choose which caption track to import to. Currently there is none. It will only allow you to import one track!
I had not noticed this before your post: in the Release version as well as this multi-track capable Beta, there is no Import option in the 3 dot menu.
To get the "import from file" option, disable all caption tracks AND make sure there is no caption selected in any of the tracks, whether enabled or not.
Yes, being able to import multiple caption tracks at once would be useful.
I can see a use-case for being able to manipulate multiple tracks (move/reorder, combine), but not really for target an existing track to import to.
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The use case would be if you have 4 timed transcripts and you wanted to import all 4 seperate .srt files each to their own caption track, rather than importing one disabling it then importing another and disabling it then importing another disabling it and then importing the last one. You would just select import from the three dot menu, then ctrl click the four .srt files to import and each .srt file would import into it's own unique caption track timed and everything thus saving a lot of labor and time rather than going through the process many times. Just something to ponder for efficiency and optimization.
Consider this scenario you are an editor and are provided four transcripts in a timed .srt file or other format and you want to add the captions to your edit. "Why didn't you use the built in transcription tools for each track?" You might ask. Well perhaps they aren't using a good microphone, or the mic cuts out, or the ausio is of such poor quality that even the best signal processing tools out there can't quite clean them up well enough to transcribe, or the speakers are overlapping, talking over each other (which is exactly why captioning this edit would be desirable.) I can definatly argue being able to import multiple timed files to individual caption tracks would save a ton of labor and clicks. Call me crazy just trying to make a great product even better! I love what your team is doing and am greatful for your dedication to the community.
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Thanks for your continuing responses. These will be helpful to the programmers. Just FYI, I am a user like you, but one who has been designated by Adobe as an official helper/community expert.
I would describe the feature you are asking for as "provide for import of multiple srt files at once, as long as each is a) going to the same type of caption track (subtitle, 608, etc) and b) each will go to its own caption track."
Is that what you want? I thought by "which caption track to import to" you wanted each one to go to an already existing track.
I am completely in support of importing multiple srt's at once.
Note that a new caption track is named as the type of caption track. So, for example, if I import 3 srts (currently, one at a time), and I import all of them as Subtitle format, each one is named "Subtitle." There is no difference. I did a quick test (in Beta 25.2.0 Build 96), and I can edit the name and make it over 40 characters. But increasing the header area to its maximum, it only shows about 27 characters. And hovering over the track name shows the type, not the name.
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Before your reply my work around was, I had to create a dummy sequence, import the .srt file, then select all edit copy and paste into the active edit go back to the dummy sequence delete the caption track to get the import option again and repeat the process. Not optimal!
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Hi all,
I started using the caption translation feature yesterday to convert English to Spanish on our subtitiles. Everything went fine for the first few videos, but today when I started trying to do the same with more videos, the translation feature always gives me an error: "Can't complete caption translations to Spanish (ES). Please try again." I have tried 10+ times and restarted Premiere. I'm not sure why it suddenly stopped working.
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Having this same issue too. It worked fine yesterday and not today. I even tried a file that translated successfully yesterday and it failed today. It must be some server-side cloud issue. Hopefully, they fix it soon. I am on the latest update.
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I am experiencing the same problem too. I cannot seem to convert any captions into Japanese. I am in need of a resolution as soon as possible too. I'm hoping there is a fix soon as it was working days ago.
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@Ed32042400sueh @Chris235354358e6o @Adam38532747o7on,
Remember to post the specific Build you are using and your OS. New builds come out almost every day. That makes it more likely that we can help test and identify a bug.
I'll try to test this by tomorrow.
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why there is no translate caption button on my premiere while the version is beta 25.2 build 117 and language pack installed, thanks
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I’ve downloaded the latest beta version, and I don’t have the icon. Same issue, it’s very frustrating that you showcase functionalities that don’t work. We would like solutions because this is a bug.
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@lee_1475 @Maria Agustina_Macias6434 Our team is investigating this and we should be able to fix it very soon. Could you share your device details in the meanwhile?
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Thank you very much, because it is very difficult to see premiere innovations and then not be able to use them.
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@lee_1475 @Maria Agustina_Macias6434 You can update to the latest beta build and it should work for you now
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I would like to work with that tool, but it doesn't appear in my normal Premiere Pro (25.1) and the Beta (25.2), eventhough a lot of internet sources tell me it should be there. The Icon is just not there.
I am located in Germany and my Macbook language (and Adobe language) is set to german. Could that be a problem?
I would really like to try this.
Thank you!
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It is Version 25.2.0 BETA (Build 116).
Device is Macbook Pro M1 MAX 32GB
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Not showing as well
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@Bruno335214757se4 You can update to the latest beta build and it should work for you now
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It's working but the translation does not complete