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Now in Beta: Using media import methods to install MOGRTs

Adobe Employee ,
Jan 23, 2023 Jan 23, 2023

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In Premiere Pro Beta (Pr 23.3), you can now install MOGRTs by using the regular media import methods. We'd like your feedback.

How to use the feature:
(1) Choose File > Import or double click in the Project Panel to open the Import dialog.
(2) Point to one or more mogrt files and click Import.
(2) Use Media Broswer > Import or drag and drop mogrt file(s) into the Project Panel.

You will see this File Import Notification dialog and your mogrts will be installed the same as if you installed them directly using the EGP.
File Import Notification.png

Why is this useful?
People often try to Import their mogrts like regular media. Previously, when attempting to Import mogrts into a project, we showed you the "File Import Error" dialog. This left users clueless about what to do to actually install mogrts so that they show up in the Essential Graphics Panel. With this feature, we now install your mogrts for you when you try to Import them like media. We also show you a dialog to explain that your mogrts were installed, not imported.

Note: If you still have questions about the difference between importing and installing mogrts, leave them below and we'll answer them as soon as we can.





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Jan 23, 2023 Jan 23, 2023

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That's better ... but still ... there is the problem that many projects are for clients.


Those mogrts will only ever be used with those specific clients. You don't want a bazillion mogrts clogging up your viewer and machine space. So you don't want to just keep them in either a CC Library or taking up 'regular' space on a local file.


It is not easy to see how to setup your mogrts so that when you archive the project, the mogrts archive properly, staying with the project ... and especially ... are usable if you reload the project onto disc for later work.


That is part of the whole mogrts thang that comes up anywhere I get into discussions with other users.






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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 23, 2023 Jan 23, 2023

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Thanks for your thoughtful feedback as always, Neil.

We did this feature just to make it a little easier for people with limited mogrt experience to get their mogrts installed in the first place. It is not part of any organizational or archival feature we may consider in the future. So your points are valid but not really related to this new feature. As for your point about keeping mogrts with the project, that happens mostly automatically if you use Pr mogrts. For ae mogrts you will need to keep the aegraphic media with the project just like you would any other kind of media.




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Jan 23, 2023 Jan 23, 2023

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This feature seems to work as advertised, and I do appreciate it. As it means that mogrts can be added via the same type of process as other assets, and that's been rather confusing for so many users. Just within the last three weeks or so I've helped several people with this type of import problem.


So, like several other things, the sooner it's out in the public release the better!


And thanks again.






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Enthusiast ,
Feb 13, 2023 Feb 13, 2023

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Give us folders in EG or allow us to add them to bins. Users should be able to organize how they want. 




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