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Hi all, I use the latest Beta version 25.1
I have videos in sequences, this time portuguese language.
The transcript is done kind of ok, though when I want to change a word that was misunderstood it does not take it...or when a word is missing in the transcript (...) for 1.5sec showing and I add it it does not take it over either.
I assume that is a glitch.
Hi Thanks ode the answer. I am using b59 and indeed I was clicking out of the fiqlog box that worked for some words dlqnd for some it didn't. Yet I think I'd now ESC and it works better even for th other than orde that were primary ignored.
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Moved to beta forum
Please mention build and OS.
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Edits not sticking is reported off and on, and I most often cannot replicate them. For many versions, what I see is that when I make a change and exit edit mode, the original text appears and them changes to the edit.
The "latest" Beta mode changes almost daily. Which Build are you using? I'm currently on Build 56, and there is not a new one this morning.
How are you entering edit mode? (eg. hitting the Enter key?) How are you exiting edit mode? (Esc?)
Does it happen every time? A couple edits worked for me. Replacing a pause can be odd. But it worked just now: I place the cursor at the beginning of the pause indicator, hit Enter to enter edit mode, type a word, and ESC to exit. It removes the pause and keeps the edit.
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Hi Thanks ode the answer. I am using b59 and indeed I was clicking out of the fiqlog box that worked for some words dlqnd for some it didn't. Yet I think I'd now ESC and it works better even for th other than orde that were primary ignored.
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Sorry for the misspelling...autocorrect.