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DISCUSS: New export workflow

Adobe Employee ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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The new export workflow streamlines the process of delivering completed videos by focusing on the destinations of the content. Optimized render settings for popular social platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are presented. Advanced settings are easily accessed for customizing exports. 



This isn’t the end of the road for this redesign, though – not by a long shot.  We are still working on the exact layout of the settings accordions and finding the exact right place for everything.  And the most exciting part . . . background rendering!  Yes, that’s right, no more waiting for encoding progress bars to grow.  Check back often for updates.


More detailed info on the workflows: New import & export in Premiere Pro (Beta)

FAQ: FAQ | New import and export in Premiere Pro (Beta)


We want to know what you think about the new Export workflow.  Please join the conversation below.







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Explorer ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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Also being able to group presets in the left side of the Export window. If I can't totally remove all the social publishing options, at least make it a group I can twirl up and ignore, Especially if it sits at the top and eats up screen real estate that's better suited for user presets.





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Engaged ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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New Export Workflow feedback. This is probably my favorite part of the beta:



  • I think the Destination-based approach works well.
  • I really like the new UI overall as a whole too for the most part.
  • I spoke to soon in another comment, it seems as if you CAN add additional custom "destinations" (as media files) and rename them. That's great! Not sure if that persists across projects, but I hope it does!
  • Small thing, but I like the confirmation of WHAT is being exported in the top-left. Will hopefully prevent any incorrect export selections.
  • I nearly cried TEARS OF JOY when I saw an updated Preset Manager for export presets. I admittedly didn't dabble with it, but THIS is what I've been praying Premiere would get at some point. Hopefully export presets are just the start. Kudos!
    • (Although I will say, I didn't see a way to save presets directly into the manager. Wasn't clear to me how Saving a preset worked)


Suggested Additions:

  • On-export crop/scale options. This was a part of the old Export Workflow, and to the best of my knowledge I didn't see it here. I think there'd be ample room for this in the preview space on the right side.
  • Ability to manually type in bitrate values.
  • Right-clicking a destination should bring up the same menu as the [...] button.
  • I think my only UI gripe might be, get rid of the "More/Less" button under settings. There already is a collapse/expander you need to click to get there anyway, so adding a SECOND click seems a bit redundant. If you're someone who's bothering to twirl down Video options, you're there to play ball so to speak: no need to hide the options at that point.
  • The custom frame size WxH aspect lock seems... weird? Maybe I just don't know how to use it? Or it's broken.
  • I'm cheekily adding a feature request here: but custom filenaming presets for exports would be great! (Not just tacking on the preset name to the end, but an actual way to designate how you want your filename to be generated based on preset)





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Explorer ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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When you select two clips in the project menu and right click and go to export. It takes you back to the old export dialogue/UI. Is this because there's no good way to export multiple selected clips individually?





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Enthusiast ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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  1. The new Preset Manager window seems nice.  Maybe a little overkill, but still might be helpful.
  2. The ability to export more than one format at once will be appreciated by some, especially those needing to export identical versions of a video with and without burnt-in captions.


The BAD:

  1. The Location file path is harder to read in blue underlined text vs the white text for all other elements on the Export page.  Could this text also be white for better legibility or at least lose the underline?
  2. The accordion design for Settings will quickly get on people's nerves since it hides a lot of information.  For example, the 'Actions' tab needs to be twirled open just for the user to see if 'Import into Project' is checked or not.  Not being able to see information like this at a glance is going to cause a lot of mistakes with exports getting imported (or not imported) by mistake.  The accordion design should allow more than one tab to be open at once or at least group info more logically so more of what a user wants to see can be seen at once.  Is it really necessary to have an entire tab dedicated to nothing other than an 'Import into Project' checkbox?  This is poor design.
  3. Just like with the new captioning interface, there are text drawing errors in the Export interface.  For example, part of the 'F' is missing in 'Frame Sampling' next to 'Time Interpolation:'
  4. With an entire redesign, couldn't users get new tooltips to explain what 'Render at Maximum Depth', 'Use Maximum Render Quality', etc actually do?  This would be very helpful for new users!
  5. In the Video tab, why is 'Bitrate Settings' hidden under the '...More' dropdown?  Bitrate Settings are essential info, and therefore shouldn't be hidden by default.
  6. Under the Audio tab, is it really necessary to hide a single option, 'Bitrate Settings', under a '...More' dropdown?  This is silly, especially considering that just like with video, Bitrate is an essential parameter that should be visible by default.
  7. Users should be able to organize the Export presets by hiding presets they'll never use, and reorganizing their presets in whichever order they chose.  I, and I imagine most users, will never use at least half of the displayed presets, so why pollute our interface with them?  I can choose 'Remove Media File Destination' for my custom presets, but not for the default presets.  This is bad design.  If default presets can't be deleted, at least give us a way to 'hide' them.  Why not add a 'More Destinations' button/folder at the bottom of this column into which users can drag&drop presets they don't want to constantly see?  Clicking on this button would twirl open its contents, revealing all of the demoted templates.  Drag&dropping a template out from this folder would allow it to be promoted to constant view.  This would be a much more thoughtful design rather than polluting our interface with Twitter, Behance, Creative Cloud and other presets many users will never use, with no option of hiding them from view.
  8. Finally the export button that is highlighted by default is 'Export' rather than 'Queue' or 'Send to Adobe Media Encoder', BUT users can't simply hit enter to activate it.  One step forward, two steps back! 😞
  9. Why can't users manually input bitrate values anymore?  In the previous Export Settings window, users can, and using the slider displays values down to 100th of a percent (e.g. 20.26 Mbps).  In the new interface, users can't manually input round values, and values with the slider are now calculated down to 1000th of a percent (e.g. 20.265 Mbsp).  This is GUARANTEED to annoy anyone and everyone who likes whole numbers and gets irritated by ridiculously minute decimal points!
  10. Creating a new preset doesn't work.  Clicking on 'Save preset' in the dropdown menu opens the 'Export Presets' window.



The new interface currently provides a grand total of ONE great new feature over the previous Export Settings window it plans to replace: the ability to export to more than one format at once.  Other than this one new great feature, and the Preset Manager (which in all fairness could have simply been added to the current Export Settings window), it provides no visible improvements.  Information is harder to see at a glance (can't see if 'Import into Project' is checked or not while any other tab is open, for example) and it takes more clicks to get things done overall.  Which begs the questions: Was a complete redesign really necessary?


Once all of the issues are sorted out, does the new interface have the potential to be better than the current one?  Yes.  But at what expense to the users who are often waiting years for basic things to be fixed?  The previous Export Settings window could have used a couple of little improvements, sure, but it was never broken to the point of requiring a complete redesign, or was it?


Imagine if instead of working on this completely new interface, resources were spent working on new tools that could make our work much easier almost all of the time while editing!  Here's an example: https://adobe-video.uservoice.com/forums/911233-premiere-pro/suggestions/43046490-super-tools-bar-i-...


I'd love to see the Pr teams resources spent on things that matter most first!





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New Here ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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Hey, the new workflow seems amazing, but here are my confusions:


#01 I general export two or more timeline, slecet them from the project area then export to Media encoder, but I didn't see any muti-output option.


#02 In perview version, the name of output file will be defaulted as the same name of time line, but now it seems to dump into some issue. AFTER I export one, next time when  I export, no matter what time line I choose, the default name won't change corrspondingly. 


Really appreciate Pr team for adding new features while making it native avaliable for Apple Silicon.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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If I understand correctly, you're asking about exporting more than one selected sequence? We do plan to add this, along with multiple selections of clips in the Project panel. Currently, if you select more than 1 item in the Project panel, the old Export Settings dialog will open up and the export will be sent to Adobe Media Encoder's queue for batch encoding there. I'm not able to reproduce your issue where the File Name isn't updated correctly after you export once, then export something else next.





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New Here ,
Jun 30, 2021 Jun 30, 2021

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Thanks for your reply!


You guys seemed to have the first issue fixed. When I select mutil timelines the old dialog just shows up and works like before. 


As for the second issue I reproduced it.  The default filename does not match timeline(ignored the language please). And here are steps to reproduce.


1. selecet one timeline

2. switch to export panel

3. swich back to edit

4. select another timeline

5. switch to export panel

6. and here comes this issue







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Enthusiast ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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The output media filename does not update to reflect the name of the sequence being exported - it merely appends a "_1" etc. on the end.





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Enthusiast ,
Jun 25, 2021 Jun 25, 2021

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Please see the screenshot (surrounded in red) : 

export panel.jpg

I have two problems (surrounded in red) :

1) I have unchecked "fichier media" (ie : "media file") and checked only "creative cloud", and clicked on "exporter" (ie : "export"). So the exported file should be going only to "creative cloud" and not on my desktop, but the result : the exported file goes on creative cloud, but also on my desktop.


2) At the bottom right, you can see that no "output" infos is displayed for the exported file (that does not appear : video, audio, taille du fichier estimé, ie : video, audio, estimated file size).





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 29, 2021 Jun 29, 2021

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Thank you for your findings! 

1)The publish to Create Cloud is currently the same as it is in the AME or the "old" export dialog. The file will always be exported locally (as shown in the settings location) and as well published to the creative cloud folder. Other destinations such as Facebook have the option to delete the local file after publishing.

2) I assume that's because the Media File destiantion is still selected.





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Enthusiast ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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It is from the last build of premiere pro beta (export panel).

In the export section, I have first checked "creative cloud" at left, then unchecked "media file" at left (ie : "fichier media"). So at the top middle I have "settings ("réglages") - creative cloud" and at the bottom right I have "output datas" and at the top right I have the video preview : 

export panel 1.jpg

But then, if I check again "media file" at the top left, and uncheck again "media file", the result :   at the top middle all is grey (no datas corresponding to the checked "creative cloud"), and at the bottom right no output datas, and at the top right no video preview.

Please see the screenshot (surrounded in red) : 

export panel.jpg






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New Here ,
Jul 06, 2021 Jul 06, 2021

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I miss the option to set the output duration to the work area. Also, when choosing a file name I often just click a previous exported file and just edit the number in the file name. Would be nice if that were possible in the export panel. 





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 06, 2021 Jul 06, 2021

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Just updated last night and I'll have further comments as I become more familiar with the new import/export (primarily export) workflow.


But a couple initial impressions:

1. Having the workspaces tabbed off to the side might get cumbersom for people who are less keyboard shortcut focused.

2. I don't mind it being baked into the same window/workspace as editing, though I would like to be able to customize the sizes of various panels like I do with the program view, timeline, etc. There's a lot of features that my workflow never uses that I can't minimize, or at least push off to the side.

3. My biggest issue right now: I can't tab through the basic export options. I work for a news company and export 30-50 files every day in different formats (mostly presets I've created). Now I have to use the mouse (trackpad in my case) to select my preset from a dropdown every time I need to export, quite frustrating.

4. The UI feels much more spacious, which isn't bad in and of itself, but I'm working on 13" and 15" monitors, so I have to do a lot of scrolling to find settings which is annoying. Plus, as other users have mentioned, why is bitrate hidden behind a 'more' toggle? IMO it should be near the top.


Ok, enough complaining, how about some ideas. 😄 

1. I don't mind this too much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2. Ability to re-arrange and re-size panels like the rest of Premiere.

3. Tabbing. Desperately need this back. right now hitting tab just jumps betwen file-name and start-timecode.

4. Option similar to gMail or iOS where you can choose between views of different levels of  'compactness'.


Thanks so much Adobe peeps. Premiere Beta on my M1 has it's growing pains, but it's absolutely lightyears faster than Premiere on my 2017 tricked-out MBP. Y'all rock. 💪🏻







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Enthusiast ,
Jul 08, 2021 Jul 08, 2021

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The fact that the new export process never uses the name of the sequence being exported (still, after 16 updates!) makes it SO much worse than the previous workflow. There really is nothing better in any way about this compared to the previous workflow - so much so that I always now just skip it and click 'send to media encoder' and tweak the settings in there. It feels very much like Adobe were bored and decided to fix a problem that never existed; in fact adding extra clicks to get to stuff like Bitrate makes it considerably worse than the previous workflow. Please don't "fix" stuff that's not broken!


But to re-iterate - the fact that the filename does not update to reflect the name of the sequence being exported is an unforgivable bug - maybe slightly annoying in the first release, but ridiculous after 16 builds.





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Enthusiast ,
Jul 12, 2021 Jul 12, 2021

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...and now on Build 22...this ridiculous massive bug is still there. When I export a sequnce called "important final edit version 5" and Premiere (and Media Encoder, because that's what Premiere foolishly tells ME to do) saves it as "important final edit version 2" because that's what I exported last week, it is an absolute total and utter failure of the highest degree. PLEASE fix this, before worrying about button placement, useless gimmicks or any of the other problems this pointless, awful downgrade of workflow has created. Or just (even better) abandon this whole process as a bit of a mistake, and go back to the far superior old system that nobody complained about ever in the history of Premiere. EVERYONE will thank you for it. You know this "new" workflow is a really bad idea; the UI sucks, the coding is obviously seriously broken, and maybe you can convince whoever came up with this idea that they were just having an off-day and should just forget about it. There is absolutely nothing at all that is better in this new export workflow that is better than the old (perfect, not broken) workflow. It is worse in every single way, and I'd be very interested to hear anyone's views who can convince me otherwise.


This is a really disappointing and slightly worrying development in Adobe's digital video department - do you have a new manager or something? Up until recently, pretty much every change in Premiere/After Effects has been a wonderful improvement, but now: changing things solely to annoy users and make stuff worse? Please just don't. Please!

(Sorry for the rant, but, in case you hadn't guessed, I REALLY hate this export workflow...but generally REALLY LIKE Adobe's digital video products and LOVE the responsiveness of the development team to the needs of us users. I just wonder how this has gone so very wrong).





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Jul 12, 2021 Jul 12, 2021

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On my Win10 machine, the export is auto-using the sequence name. Build 21 currently. Just downloading build 22, I'll try that out in a few moments.


Edit: tried in Build 22, and several exports of different timeline sequences, it took the timeline sequence name every time.







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Enthusiast ,
Jul 13, 2021 Jul 13, 2021

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Maybe my system is special in some way, but I've just had another day of having to copy and paste the poxy sequence name from the Project panel to the stupid, awful, terrible, rubbish, unintuitive, bug-laden piece of junk that is this "new" export workflow. PLEASE Adobe, switch back to the superior-in-every-single-way system that everybody loved before someone with more time than brain cells decided to break everything for NO REASON whatsoever*.


I just had the following experience; typical of the Wonderful New World Of Stupid Exporting:

  1. Click on a sequence in the project. Let's call it "Brandname Passionfruit and lemonade_6sec_1080x1920_UK"
  2. Hit ctrl-M to make everything terrible and the world a sadder place
  3. Glance at the ridiculously tiny 'File Name' box in the non-expandable 'Settings' section in the abomination that is this ghastly 'Export' thing
  4. Assume (foolishly) that the 'File Name' isn't just something randomly plucked from the ether; I can't immediately see the end of the filename because, well, coding and UI design by someone who despises editors, I assume
  5. Export the video
  6. Get slightly confused when I see the 12sec and 6sec versions in my export folder
  7. Realise that, of course, the one titled "12sec" is in fact the 6sec version I just exported. The one whose sequence name was "Brandname Passionfruit and lemonade_6sec_1080x1920_UK" but filename is that of something I exported YESTERDAY
  8. Get rather angry that I had forgotten that the NEW IMPROVED workflow has the 'auto-screw-up' feature enabled and is designed to 'keep you on your toes' when exporting by allocating filenames seemingly at random
  9. Wonder just how utterly bored everyone at Adobe must be to resort to deliberately breaking stuff just to see how much it can annoy and depress its customers


*Maybe I'm mistaken, and people actually enjoy having to twirl down extra menus and click on more stuff and spend more time achieving things that used to be quite simple. Maybe people also relish the challenge of having to figure out what files correspond to what sequences, and get immense satisfaction from manually renaming files.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 13, 2021 Jul 13, 2021

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This Preset manager is driving me nuts. All this clicking.

Why cannot we have the codec with the corresponding presets as before.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 13, 2021 Jul 13, 2021

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The export, send to encoder and exit buttons should be on the lower left of the screen. It doesn't make sense to do all the work on the left side and then have to travel to the lower extreme right of the screen to export since hitting enter doesn't work.






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Enthusiast ,
Jul 17, 2021 Jul 17, 2021

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in the export panel at left, I have checked "media file" (to the desktop) and "creative cloud".

If I make "export", the result is :  I have two same exported video files on my desktop. 

I should have only one exported video file, but there is two identical exported video files.

What is the interest to have these two same exported video files on my desktop ?





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Enthusiast ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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I never understood the need to publish to the web directly from the export dialog. Who doesn't QC their file before they publish? Playing with fire there. The whole social media inside the export thing seems a bit much. 





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Enthusiast ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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I agree 100% scrozier.  Not watching an exported video for QR before posting is simply not a professional way of working.


Spending resources on developping this functionality seems like a petty discraction from real issues and shortcomings in Pr.  There are so many things that would benefit editors more than new ways to export directly to social media. 





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Enthusiast ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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Like just today I caught a plugin going unliscenced from red giant putting a big red X over a title card at the end. It was rendered in the timeline but Premiere decided not to use the preview file even though I had selected "use preview." If I had published direct to web for a client I would have to deal with the embarrasment and potential loss of future work. 


There are too many things that can go wrong on export, some on the software side, some on the user side, for anyone to just "ship it" straight from the NLE. This goes for any NLE.  





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Engaged ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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Yea have always felt the same way. Would be so much happier with a per project settings to export to a folder. I aways have a specific export folder for each project and would love to have it default there for each project. That would be so much more usefull than exporting directly to video sites.

- Jonah Lee Walker
Video Editor, Colorist, Motion Graphics Artist





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Enthusiast ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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Hi Jonah, good news!  You can do exactly that using the free Compass plugin or the paid Excalibur plugin (best Pr plugin by far!): https://knightsoftheeditingtable.com/


Thankfully there's 3rd party developpers that do listen to the needs of Pr editors and bring us the functionality many have been requesting for years.  Excalibur does this more than any other plugin and brings us more valuable functionality than we've received from the last 3 years of Pr updates.





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