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Nowadays even last time i used premiere its always give me headache in importing video from my iphone to premiere rush. It is always stuck, and i have to do it multiple times until it start loading.. i paid for annual subsciption and not worth the 100+ dollars if this is always the issue...
Hi @moczty,
Thanks for the info. That seems odd. Are you moving the clips from your iPhone to Rush on the Desktop? If so, are you shooting in HDR format or with that turned off? You may have a better experience using clips with HDR shut off in the iPhone camera settings. Try that and see if it works. Let us know!
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Hi @moczty,
Thanks for the info. That seems odd. Are you moving the clips from your iPhone to Rush on the Desktop? If so, are you shooting in HDR format or with that turned off? You may have a better experience using clips with HDR shut off in the iPhone camera settings. Try that and see if it works. Let us know!
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I only use my phone to directly edit my video.. and always i am having lag or frozen loading screen.. if you can check on my log and history, i created a lot of blanks media because the importing video does nit work. And after you click the add media still it is frozen loading screen only..
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And i am only using 1080p and 60fps so it will be easy to load, coz i use 4k before but takes me a long time to export the video to my iphone.. note: i only use premier rush on my iphone, don't know i can use it on my desktop