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My colors are muted upon upload and export

New Here ,
Apr 01, 2022 Apr 01, 2022

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My videos are all muted in color once I upload them to Rush. It's mostly reds/oranges that are taken.


Before, if I didn't edit my video in VSCO beforehand, this would happen only upon export. Now, it happens upon initially uploading it onto Rush, too. It looks perfectly fine in my photo app, as well as if I try to upload it to Instagram, but not Rush. This has been happening since I got my iPhone 13 in October. I assumed it was because Rush couldn't handle the resolution of my raw videos, but now even the edited/lower quality videos aren't uploading right.


I've tried it both on wifi and cellular data, not in low power mode. Doing this didn't help much, and both my phone and the software are up to date.


I've attached a screenshot in Rush, and the actual clip so you can maybe see the difference.

Error or problem , Export , Import , Mobile version , Performance






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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 07, 2022 Apr 07, 2022

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Hey territ0ry, let's take a look. I would guess that your footage is being shot in HDR color spaces, which is not supported in Rush's editing workflow. On your phone, go to the Settings app, scroll down to go to the Camera settings, then see if you have "Smart HDR" footage enabled. Try disabling it and see if the new clips display well in Rush! 


On export, make sure you're using one of the specific presets, like Facebook 1080, as opposed to the default "Automatic" setting. Let us know if the color looks better! 





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