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Premiere Rush Guided Workflow—What to Shoot? Pre-production

Adobe Employee ,
Feb 07, 2020 Feb 07, 2020

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Now that you know more about your gear and that you're all set up to shoot, you've completed the first stage of pre-producton. The next thing you are probably wondering about is just what it is you are going to shoot, the second stage of pre-production.


Hopefully, you already have an idea of what to shoot in mind. You are probably aiming to create content for a YouTube channel, or you want to make videos for other people for money, or perhaps you just want to shoot something for your own self-interest or hobby. Whatever it is you have decided on, you will need to come up with a main idea or "story" for any video.


Blank Diagram.png

What do shoot? Don't worry! Leverage a popular theme or try brainstorming to form your own brand of unique content. 


Story Idea: Once you have your idea, start thinking about constructing that story. How will you tell the story to get your idea across in the best possible way?


My strategy is to come up with a beginning, middle, and an ending for any story. Even if all you can come up with are basic ideas for the construction of the story, that's a great start.


After you have an idea of how you are going to tell the story, I suggest that you come up with a plan or "brief." The plan might involve a shooting schedule, list of actors, locations, equipment list. shot list, a script, and a storyboard.


Finally, I set the date and execute the plan. By executing the plan, your story is recorded, organized, and ready to begin cutting together in Adobe Premiere Rush.


As far as answering the question, "What to Shoot?" Again, consider these popular themes first to spark some ideas for the kinds of video projects you might like to take on. Click here to sample these themes. After choosing the style of video you care going to make, you can then focus on a specific story and how you are going to make it.

< Guided Workflow HomePopular Themes >


Premiere Rush Guided Workflow (Part 1)

Premiere Rush Guided Workflow: What to Shoot? (Part 2)

Premiere Rush Guided Workflow: Editing (Part 3)

Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio
How to




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 18, 2020 Feb 18, 2020

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Podcast (audio): Who needs pre-production?



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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