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I spent half my Sunday recording voice overs, again. And for the second time they just disappeared. I'm just starting with this program and am already fed up. This program is from a professional developer and not even brand new anymore, how is it possible something like this is happening?
I didn't change the pc, I didn't restart the program, the files were there and one moment later the voice overs are empty (see screenshot attached).
Is there any way I can recover these voice overs? When checking my assets in premiere rush and online are just files with 0 bytes.
If not, how can I avoid this is happening again?
Thanks everyone for helping me out.
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Now, I actually found the audio files on my local drive under managed media. I'm happy that at least the recordings are not lost.
When I use "find and reconnect", it works only for 1 file. When I try to reconnect a second file, the one previously reconnected disappears again. The reconnected file also disappears when I close and reopen the project. What's going on???
I'm using version 1.5.62 on a brand new Win10 desktop.