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Je viens de changer d'ordinateur et je n'arrive pas à transférer mes projets rush vers mon nouvel ordi. Je n'ai pas accès à la synchronisation car je n'ai pas la version premium. J'ai copié le dosser Adobe Rush stocké dans "mes documents" ainsi que celui dans "program files" mais rien y fait. Sauriez-vous où sont stockés les projets ? Ils sont quelque part sur l'ordinateur car j'y ai accès même sans connexion internet.
Merci d'avance
Bonjour @emiliea76824959,
Thanks for the note. It sounds like you are wanting to transfer projects between devices, but you do not have that option in your plan. Super sorry about that! Perhaps you can subscribe to Adobe Express or the Premium version for a short time (maybe even a trial version might work) and then transfer the projects. I can't think of another way because there is no way I know of to access them locally. Sorry for this rotten issue.
Let me know if you need additional advice
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Bonjour @emiliea76824959,
Thanks for the note. It sounds like you are wanting to transfer projects between devices, but you do not have that option in your plan. Super sorry about that! Perhaps you can subscribe to Adobe Express or the Premium version for a short time (maybe even a trial version might work) and then transfer the projects. I can't think of another way because there is no way I know of to access them locally. Sorry for this rotten issue.
Let me know if you need additional advice in solving this issue. I'd love to help you as I have many friends and colleagues in France, my absolute favorite foreign country. Have a nice weekend.
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C'est vraiment nul. Incompréhensible que l'on ne puisse pas enregistrer/tranférer le "source" du montage...
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Hey @Nicolas27826495gax0,
I read your message. You could previously sync between devices with the correct subscription. Now, with the deprecation of sync, that is no longer possible with any plan. I apologize for this situation and will let the product team know about your disappointiment.