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What gives???

Community Beginner ,
Dec 27, 2024 Dec 27, 2024

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I had this program working on two Android phones.  Then neither of them work. The other phone is simply for non web based projects. 

All of a sudden the Rush files were not processing. Wasting 100s of hours of work,  literally making these things work LONGHAND when the effects stopped working. Next i'm gonna be just free hand drawing my videos,  and I really don't think that's going to leave much for this program to do other than freeze. Get confused and stroke out like Curly Howard! 

It seems like adobe has something for everyone. .. to curse their very existence with promises of intuitive UI, including graphic descriptions of just how that will happen... so we know they can conceive of these things! How come those things are never the reality? It's like buying a dog with the sincere promise that the dog will actually do your taxes this year. And then you get it home and it c**** on your floor. Oh look honey! He did our taxes! He's showing us what we're gonna get back this year! 

Okay, support is asking us if we fed him Purina One? Oh yes we did that. You want me to boot it again? Honey will you kick the dog? Okay she kicked it like three times. It just cr***** again. 

Okay you're sure that's gonna work? Okay, a nice man in the philippines says he knows exactly what's wrong. We need to buy more subscriptions, so they don't get lonely. And this one will work. That's what he said! Yeah, it does kind of sound like that! Hmmm... 

I don't think these guys in the philippines really know what's going on with our computers or phones. Or all the asian call centers, generally...

I asked the guy one time if he was actually typing, or if he's just tapping his fingers. He said he was tapping his fingers, but that he could type if he wanted to. I said, well, although I don't really believe you, the noise was very reassuring. 

Shouldn't there be a way for these programs to work? How did that moment in time, come and pass, and there not be some kind of subterfuge going on here? I mean... is there literally something they do? Do they scuttle programs, so they don't work? Because there must be a thing... Otherwise, people would be just retiring old computers or phones, at that moment of perfect symbiosis, where all the stuff that was supposed to work worked... and SHOULD still work with those programs on them, and not bother with new ones. There's got to be some thing out there that either fouls these programs after a certain date, or literally a worm or self replicating equation that renders these things useless after a certain date. 

Just like in World War 2, the US military had special orders that if forced to abandoned Hammond organs behind enemy lines, to destroy the organs if necessary... with ten pages of special memorandum on how to destroy Hammond organs, lest they become an instrument to elevate the morale of the enemy.


I guess we are the enemy, if we have a program for too long and it works well?


I spent three hours with an Asian man on the phone. He really didn't know what he was doing. I know that there's probably an elementary understanding of certain programs... and that's maybe... but I really got nothing out of the deal. Except a large chunk of time, add it to the previous large chunk of time.LostTrying to make a video then I didn't even really want to make that bad... but after committing about six hours to it, i really wanted that thing to not be a complete and utter waste of time. You know, the way you feel when you're reading this absurdly long narrative with superfluous details and unusually long cul de sacs of circular logic... that double back and take you around again to the central point here... i got used to using this program, and it was working well for about ten minutes... a couple years ago... and now there's nothing really out there to do what that thing did. It's more than a little frustrating, because I don't know anything out there that will do basic production. All the other c*** for this phone just seems to be all about making AI voiceovers or really inane and useless special effects, that wouldn't really have a place in anything worthwhile. 

And of all things in this world, there's no way to get the actual program files from this one to the next, so maybe a computer with more processing could do it. I've got this now. Ten hour chunk of timeThat's dedicated to a ten hour chunk of nothing.... and :

I've proposed that to have this ten hour parcel of time... REMOVED from someone's life span sum total, possibly an Asian, since they seem less concerned about it, and then added to mine in compensation. Anything extra would be purely at your discretion.


Thank you. After much consideration I think this is the most reasonable and likely, to actually expect to receive... after reading the bulk of these issues and their outcome here on this forum. 

Good day. And RIP, my ten hours of toiling.


In and out of support, because, as we know that well has run dry... like invisible wires that suspend you in mid air,  as if you were actually falling at 32 feet per second squared, approaching terminal velocity, at the speed that gravity dictates... that's right! This MAGIC support that literally is imperceptible by any of our 5 senses. But yes, we believe it's there... and someday we will find it! And we will tell no one! 



Crash , Error or problem , Export , Freeze or hang , Import , Performance




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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Dec 29, 2024 Dec 29, 2024

Hi @michael_Sweeney0073,

Sorry for all the trouble. I hope the community can assist you. I apologize for the poor support. It sounds like you were able to complete this project. Is that right? Let us know how we can further help you with any questions you have. Have a lovely holiday.





Community Beginner ,
Dec 27, 2024 Dec 27, 2024

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Ps: since my last post on the subject i was able to find a version that worked on these phones, including the brand new one I have. This is the frustrating thing. That they work, then cease to. Like some Manchurian candidate that us programmed to go catatonic at an unseen command. Ah well. I hope to redeem these ten hours some day... maybe at some electronics swap meet... and the right guy, with all the weird stuff in his white van. And those awesome magic beans I've been hearing about. 




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 27, 2024 Dec 27, 2024

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And these first post and first reply badgers... they will no doubt live off the magic beans... 





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 29, 2024 Dec 29, 2024

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Hi @michael_Sweeney0073,

Sorry for all the trouble. I hope the community can assist you. I apologize for the poor support. It sounds like you were able to complete this project. Is that right? Let us know how we can further help you with any questions you have. Have a lovely holiday.




Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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