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Im currently subscribed as a monthly user to use Adebe Rush on iPad. A month ago the Duck option was there in the audio panel on the right Today it's not there! I logged on the desktop and it's not there either. I really need it for the new videos, does anyone know where it's gone and how do I get it back?
many thanks!
Actually I found how to do it, the type of track must be set to music, not voice
Glad you were able to figure it out.
For Auto Duck to work
1. Select your soundtrack
2. Open the Audio Inspector, enable Auto Duck
The soundtrack will automatically fade down and back up when someone is speaking in the video.
All the best!
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Or, does anyone know who can I get in touch with to get the option back? 🥺🙏
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Actually I found how to do it, the type of track must be set to music, not voice
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Glad you were able to figure it out.
For Auto Duck to work
1. Select your soundtrack
2. Open the Audio Inspector, enable Auto Duck
The soundtrack will automatically fade down and back up when someone is speaking in the video.
All the best!
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This was the only thread I could find on "Duck" so thought I'd post my findings here and hope it helps someone. I spent a fair bit of time doing trial and error to make this work on a new MacBook Pro.
I'm using an external lapel mic to add narration and this is plugged into the 3.5mm jack socket on the Macbook. The main issue was finding the correct sound settings in the Rush preferences- the Autoduck did not work if the sound settings were left at default- the Mac seemed to think the input was the external mic and output was external headphones. You can fix this by changing the sound output to "Mac speakers" I've tested this several times now and it works consistently.
The other thing is to play with the autoduck setting so it fades out enough. I'm pleased with the result now I've worked it out, but it wasn't intuitive!
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And previous posters are correct in that you need to make sure the track that is being selected to autoduck is a "music" track.
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I also had to make sure my Voice/video track was selected as a 'Voice' track.' I had to select each spoken word clip and using the "Change type" under "Audio" menu, select "Voice". Luckily, it wasn't a long clip.
I think if I had done this when I first imported the main track, i.e., changed it to "Voice" before I started cutting the track up it might have saved me some time.