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Premiere Rush Guided Workflow — Exporting: Share your video on your Facebook page

Adobe Employee ,
Feb 10, 2020 Feb 10, 2020

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Share your video on your Facebook page

You can directly publish your video to a Facebook page. You can only share a video on Facebook if you have an account associated with a Facebook page.

Sign in to FacebookSign in to Facebook

  1. Click Share in the toolbar and then choose Facebook.
  2. Sign in to Facebook (if you are not already signed in).
  3. Under Settings, specify the following options:

    1. Pages: Select the Facebook page associated with your account. 

    2. Title: Add a title to your video.

    3. Description: Help viewers understand more about the video by adding a description. This description displays at the bottom of the video after it is published.

    4. Keep a copy of this file: Select this option if you want to keep a copy of the video saved on your computer. After selecting this option, navigate to the folder where you want to save the file.  You can then choose to set the following advanced settings or retain the default settings, which are generally the best settings.


Preset: The default preset on all platforms is Automatic where Resolution and Frame Rate are set to AutomaticAudio Channels is set to Stereo, and Quality is set to High. However, you can select any preset from the drop-down list based on the nature of your video and your publish destination. 


The following elements define a preset. When you change any of these elements, the preset automatically becomes a custom preset. After you create a custom preset, you can save the preset. 


Preset component What it means
Resolution Various resolution options are available depending on the type of video and publish destination.
Frame Rate Various frame rate options ranging from 23.976 fps to 60 fps are available.
Audio Channels You can choose between mono, stereo, or no audio options.
Quality Set the quality of the video. While setting the quality, keep in mind that high-quality videos take up more hard drive space and can take longer to load if viewed over the Internet.


To save a custom preset, click the Save Preset icon next to the Preset pop-up menu. Name your preset and click OK. Your custom preset is now available for you to use from the Preset pop-up menu. 


  1. Setting Your Video Thumbnail.
    1. Set Current Frame: Choose a frame from your video as your video thumbnail. This video thumbnail is what viewers see when they are browsing Facebook. Make sure that the frame you select is one that catches a viewer's attention.
    2. Update: You can also upload your own custom thumbnail. Click Upload and browse to select a preferred image that you want to use as your video's thumbnail
  2. Under PreviewPreview your video before you render and export your video to Facebook.
  3. Click ExportPremiere Rush renders your video, using the export settings you have chosen. You have a chance to preview your video before publishing it your social media channels.
  4. After Premiere Rush completes rendering successfully, your video is ready to be published on Facebook. Click Publish. Premiere Rush publishes the video directly to Facebook, and notifies you when publishing is completed. 


Published videoPublished video


More from the User Guide:

< Effects and Color Grading — Export >


Home: Editing Overview

Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio
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