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Premiere Rush Guided Workflow—What to Shoot? Film

Adobe Employee ,
Feb 07, 2020 Feb 07, 2020

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You can shoot a film, short or long form. You can shoot a narrative film or a documentary. A music video is a film of sorts, it just uses music instead of dialog, but you are still telling a visual story.


If you have an idea already, you can begin developing a plan to get you to the finish line in Premiere Rush.


  • If you want to shoot a film, but aren't sure of your theme or story yet, just get some ideas going for your story and you'll be on your way. See this article for ideas here. Once you've come up with some ideas for a story, you can start planning scenes making up each act of your narrative or documentary.
  • For narratives, write dialog for each scene. Use screenplay software to help you format and create the script.
  • For documentaries, write an A/V script to help you plan each scene in picture and words. 
  • Develop a plan, which includes a script, a shot list, shooting schedule, production details (budgeting, wardrobe, location permits, craft services), and an equipement list. A storyboard can be very helpful to have at all stages of production, especially for narrative films.
  • Finalize your plan, and do your shoot.
  • After you have returned from your shoot, you can begin editing in Premiere Rush.



In this video, YouTuber, Matti Haapoja shares tips around his process for documentary filmmaking.

  • Gear: Matti shares what kind of gear he uses for creating a high quality documentary.
  • Pre-production planning: Matti shares how he plans for shooting a documentary.
  • Story: How Matti tells you how he creates stories for documentaries.
  • Shot List: Matti advises that you get more coverage in a documentary over something like a vlog.

< Popular Themes Coming up with Story Ideas >


Home: What to Shoot? Preproduction
Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio
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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 04, 2020 Mar 04, 2020

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Travel is a great topic for creating a doc style filmTravel is a great topic for creating a doc style filmGood article on shooting a Travel film. https://www.bucketlistly.blog/posts/how-to-create-travel-videos-guide

Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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