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Hyperlink to a bookmark in PDF file

Apr 20, 2011 Apr 20, 2011

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I have a PDF file included in my project help source.

I have added a hyperlink in a topic to open that PDF file.

That is working fine and no problems.

Is it possible to define a hyperlink wthin a topic to open the PDF and go to a bookmark within the PDF?

Basically what I want to do is this:

Have an FAQ topic that provides a list of frequently asked questions with corresponding answers.

The answer must be short and concise but allow the user to click a hyperlink to get "more information".

Some of the content that is the "more information" for the answer is not in a topic, but in the PDF.

I would like to define a hyperlink within a topic that opens the PDF to a specific place WITHIN the PDF file.

I assumed the place in the PDF must have a bookmark (is there any other way?).

I have:

Created the bookmark in a Word document.

Added that bookmark as a bookmark when creating the PDF using Adobe Acrobat.

(This is not ideal as it appears in my PDF as extra bookmarks - I will deal with that after I see if this approach will really work)

I tried doing a standard bookmark hyperlink (e.g., DataDefinitions.PDF#HPI Metrics) but the PDF just opens without going to the specific place within the PDF that has the relevant content.

Is this even possible?

It just seems like it can be, but maybe I am just experiencing wishful thinking.

As always, thanks for any advice/assitance/suggestions.

Michael F Weart





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New Here , Mar 30, 2016 Mar 30, 2016

Jumping to a page inside a PDF can be done for a URL But bookmarks cannot be used inside a URL.  The trick is to use Named Destinations.  Here's an example:


Joel Plaut


Apr 21, 2011 Apr 21, 2011

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Hi Michael.

There are a couple of ways to achieve this. To link to a specific page by number use:

<a href="http://www.domain.com/file.pdf#page=3">Link text</a>

To link to a named location (destination) use:

<a href="http://www.domain.com/file.pdf#nameddest=TOC">Link text</a>

  The RoboColum(n)   @robocolumn   Colum McAndrew




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Apr 21, 2011 Apr 21, 2011

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Colum --

First off, a BIG thanks for the help.

I got the "page" tag to work just fine, the other example you provided seemed easy enough but it did not work.

The "destination" tag was a little more of a challengd as I did not know what destinations were in Acrobat.

After some poking in my PDF file, I found the functionality and this works GREAT as these do not appear as bookmarks.


Michael F Weart




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 08, 2012 Aug 08, 2012

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For the life of me I can NOT get this to work. I've entered the info as indicated above into my dreamweaver layout and can't get the PDF to open to a bookmark, page or destination. I've tried with the PDF local in same folder as html and a remote file on a temporary web server. I've tried using all variations of the page, destination and bookmark tags in Safari, Firefox and Opera on the Mac. Can someone send me a sample of code that works and is LIVE so I can test and see it BEFORE replicating. Please, please, please.




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New Here ,
Mar 27, 2018 Mar 27, 2018

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Hello Krdzine!  I have exactly the same issue.  Tried everything with #page=10, #nameddest=ExhibitB, etc. and nothing seems to "jump" to the correct section of the doc.  Could it have something to do what the browser downloads the file to the "Download" folder, and then Acrobat opens it from there?  Maybe I should try on a computer that doesn't have Acrobat as the Default, but rather where the PDF opens in the webbrowser? 

Any ideas?

I've tried on Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Edge.... same result everywhere.

Thanks everyone!!!




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Community Expert ,
Mar 27, 2018 Mar 27, 2018

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Unless what you are asking about has anything to do with Adobe RoboHelp, you are asking in the wrong place. Even if it is, the basic question is about how to create a URL that opens a PDF file in a particular way. You might do better asking that in an Acrobat or PDF forum.

See www.grainge.org for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.


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New Here ,
Mar 30, 2016 Mar 30, 2016

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Jumping to a page inside a PDF can be done for a URL But bookmarks cannot be used inside a URL.  The trick is to use Named Destinations.  Here's an example:


Joel Plaut




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