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image naming when doing copy/paste (problem when under SVN)

Explorer ,
Jan 23, 2018 Jan 23, 2018

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One feature I like about RH in the few times I'm using it (I'm a mere casual user of it thus my sometime trivial questions   )

is the feature that one can drag and drop images frpm the paste buffer into the Design/HTML preview window.

This makes it easy to generate documentation from a screen capture program (like "SnagIt"), especially when pages already exist with images and the images have to be updated.

Say you have a page with an embedded image

<p class="Bild"><img src="../../image02.gif" style="border: none;" alt=""

                     border="0" /></p>

After the paste of the image from the paste buffer, RH obviously creates a new image and changes the HTML to refer to the new image.

<p class="Bild"><img src="../../image63.gif" style="border: none;" alt=""

                     border="0" /></p>

Assuming the whole project is under SVN and you are doing a commit now, the new image63.gif will not be  transfered to the SVN repository.
A colleage doing an update would get the updated page but not the image. This is weird.

A workaround I did as a first remedy to this situation was to +ADD the whole project directory. After the colleague did nother SVN UPDATE on the project

she also had the missing image.

But this seems dangerous, clumsy or weird to me, isn't it? Or am I overlooking something?

Also I'm not sure - gotta test it out - whether my global-ignore rules still apply (global-ignores = *.cpp *.pss *.hhp *.trl ehlpdhtm.js)

Anyone knowing a better solution?








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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Participant , Jan 31, 2018 Jan 31, 2018

Hi Christoph,

This not an RH issue, it's actually SVN behaving as it's supposed to. The same thing would happen if you saved the image and then inserted it in RoboHelp. As it is a new file, SVN doesn't know about it, so it can't commit it to the repo so that your coworker can get it.

The solution you found is correct, but you can also do this easier. Instead of adding the image manually every time, you can simply do a commit on the entire RH project and then explicitly select the image in the comm




Explorer ,
Jan 30, 2018 Jan 30, 2018

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SInce there was no answer yet - possibly not many are using RH projects under SVN - I'll come up with my own experiences with the issue:

The image renaming when doing drag and drop inserts/ updates of topic pages is a fact and cannot be overcome unless you go the tedious way and exchange the image.jpg in the file system directly.

Once knowing that a new image is generated on the client side all one has to do is to +ADD this image to subversion (Tortoise SVN).

I havn't figured out how to configure tortoise SVN such that new files of a certain type are added to SVN automatically as they are created.

The colleague on the other client who is working in the team just has to do an SVN update before starting to work.







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Participant ,
Jan 31, 2018 Jan 31, 2018

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Hi Christoph,

This not an RH issue, it's actually SVN behaving as it's supposed to. The same thing would happen if you saved the image and then inserted it in RoboHelp. As it is a new file, SVN doesn't know about it, so it can't commit it to the repo so that your coworker can get it.

The solution you found is correct, but you can also do this easier. Instead of adding the image manually every time, you can simply do a commit on the entire RH project and then explicitly select the image in the commit dialog. Make sure that Show unversioned files is selected at the bottom of the commit window (otherwise the new files won't show up), select the check box corresponding to your image and then commit. This will do both the add and the commit.

(I've been using RoboHelp with SVN for a few years so feel free to contact me if you have any more questions!)





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Explorer ,
Jan 31, 2018 Jan 31, 2018

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Thanks. Another problem I have is that the .pss and .cpd files which I tried to exclude by an ignore rule in the config file (edited it in the settings dialog of tortoise) alway appear in the commit dialog - I believe even as checked.

It's tedious to uncheck them. Do you have some advisory rules how to configute Tortoise properly?







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Participant ,
Jan 31, 2018 Jan 31, 2018

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My only attempt with global rules failed (I ended up with tree conflicts), so now I just ignore them manually in each project (right-click the cpd > TortoiseSVN > Unversion and add to ignore list > file.cpd). And then be extra careful not to add them back by mistake





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