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Dear colleagues,
Could you please help me? How can I create such a multilevel header numbering structure using of new 2020 RoboHelp? I have already spend a couple of hours on this task without a good result.
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What point version of RH2020 are you running? Have you checked out Peter's site ( for his RH Tour and discussion of multi-level lists?
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Here is version of my RH. I'll visit mentioned site. Acctually I can see that RH has all necessary tools for my porpose, but I can't get good result.
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Good, that's the latest version as of March 2021. Peter's site is invaluable for learning about all things RH - way more understandable than the official RH docs.
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You haven't said what is wrong with what you are getting in RoboHelp. What you are showing in Word is multilevel numbered styles that you use as headings. Each of those is indented further at each level. Then you show text that is not indented.
Multilevel lists in RoboHelp or any HTML look like this, no text in between.
So I think what you need is to create a style called say p.autonumber as described here. Lists and Autonumbering (
There is a section on creating autonumbered styles.
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Thinking a bit more about this, you might want to apply autonumbering to your heading styles.
It depends on whether you want all topics to have autonumbered headings.
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In short, I would like to get a document with the following header structure (please see Preview frame).
But when I generate a PDF I get such result.
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There is no problem to create a multilevel list, it just about headers structure.
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Is the issue then that your list works in the source topic but not in a PDF? I was thinking the issue was setting up the style in the first place.
Does it work in an online output?
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Please add a screenshot showing the PDF page as it appears in RoboHelp.
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Absolutely the same.
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Ooo, I'm sorry...
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I think I see the issue now.
Try that and let us know if that has fixed things.
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Yes, it works. Thanks a lot! But it would be well to see a first-level header number instead of null before second and third level headers.
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Put another way, multilevel works within one style.
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Go back to your CSS editor. Something is not set up correctly there.
Level 2 should be <1>.<x>.
Level3 as below and so on.
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Strangely, this works for second, third, and fourth level headers, but not for the first one.
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See the Contact page on my site and email the CSS file to me. It's working for me so hopefully I can fix it.
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@Andrei5FCB sent their CSS. Level 2 in the CSS did not include reference to Level 1 etc. Level 3 requires reference to Levels 1 and 2 and so on for every level.
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It's very strange because all levels are specified in RH otherwise we could not see the three-level preview in the right frame.
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Indeed because you are still not getting the key point. 🙂 You only need to apply autonumbering to one style. See my video and note the headings are all H2. I left Heading 1 (H1) without numbering so that you could have unnumbered headings for topics. In the video you will see I always apply H2 where I have set up all the autonumbering you need.
Apply H2 to a line and you will see 1. Heading. Press Enter and add your content.
At the end of that bit of content press Enter again and select H2 again. Enter "My Heading and apply H2 to see 2 Heading.
Do that again to get 3 Heading.
Now put the cursor in 2 Heading and press Tab. It will change to 1.1. You leave it as H2 style but the numbering changes.
Now put the cursor in 3 Heading and press Tab twice. It will change to 1.1.1 You leave it as H2 style but the numbering changes.
See the video. I had to tweak the CSS a bit more and can send it to you if you need it.
In short H1 allows you to have an numbered heading. H2 gives you all the multi level headings you want, H3 and lower should have autonumbering removed.
You could also do this with H1 if you want and remove the autonumbering from H2. Each level can have progressively smaller numbers and text.
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Thanks a lot! I get it. By the way, It looks like I have found a decision on this problem. We can just insert in book.css the following lines to get auto numbering starting from a second-level header.
/* Autonumbering start */
h2:before {
counter-increment: h21;
content: counter(h21, decimal) ". ";
text-align: left;
left: calc(-1 * var(--prefix-size) - var(--prefix-gap));
margin-right: var(--prefix-gap);
width: var(--prefix-size);
h3:before {
counter-increment: h31;
content: counter(h21) "."counter(h31) ". ";
h4:before {
counter-increment: h41;
content: counter(h21) "."counter(h31) "."counter(h41) ". ";
/* Autonumbering finish */
It works well for me, but I have the next issue. I can see that evere next topic in PDF output starting from new page and I would like to eliminate it. Please see attachment.
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Book.css is intended to be used for things like the TOC, Index pages and so on. For styles in your topics you would normally use default.css or your own css file.
You need to deselect this checkbox if you want topics to be continuous.
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