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I went back into a project today to add a topic. I had added one previously, but today the new topic isn't appearing in Contens or Table Of Contents. I followed the procedures in Kevin Siegel's book and even looked on your website, Peter, but I seem to be missing something.
If it means anything, I'm using Frameless/Studio.
In the Contents panel are you showing the topics by filename or topic title? See the View menu.
Also show a screenshot of what you are seeing.
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Which topic is missing? The one you just added or the new one just added? Use the Contents search to check it is not there but perhaps in a different folder to where you think it should be.
If it wasn't saved, you'll just have to add it again.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Hi, Peter!
Thanks for responding. The project has one topic so far, which I added about a week ago: Overview. It is accessible, I can work on it, etc. However, yesterday I tried to add another topic and ended up with the problem I described. I tried using Search, per your suggestion, but nothing happened, although I could see its tab. Clicked on the new project's tab and tried Locate in Contents panel ... nothing.
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Hi, Peter!
I tried a more-detailed search function and found this:
As you can see, the screen to the right has the HTML code ... now what?
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I referred to the search above the contents. However open the topic from where you are and you will see its filename. I suspect you have given it something other than what you looked for and it was there all the time.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Where's the project located? Are you using any source control?
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In the Contents panel are you showing the topics by filename or topic title? See the View menu.
Also show a screenshot of what you are seeing.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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My apologies for being so tardy in responding, but, having solved the problem, I had several other deadlines to meet. The upshot is that your suggestion worked, Pete; I was able to locate the file I was looking for (as well as a couple of others I had tried) and get back on track.
Thanks again for all your helpful advice!