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Member ID 211259165
I have 439 images waiting in review and no progress in 8 days.
Am I blocked?
[Moderator moved the thread to the correct forum]
From the glimpse into your submitted AI images above, it seems you have many "similars", which will most likely result in a high rejection rate. Submitting hundreds of images at a time is not recommended, particularly if they have the same theme. It's best to submit a handful, wait for moderation, rework the rejects if possible and resubmit any re-edited images.
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If you are blocked, you will have no possibility to sign in to your account, but you see a blocking screen.
But you are precisely the reason moderation takes a lot of time, as your 439 generative AI assets clog the moderation queue. Well, you understand, you are not alone. But the other one hundred or more contributors expecting to cash in with their massive generative AI production also submit hundreds of assets. And there is only a limited moderation resource available. Expect to have a waiting time of currently around a month time.
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Read through the recent post. The review time has been commented on several times over the last few days.
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My last image approved yesterday waited 16 days. I still believe that it is not stabilized and is still tending to increase
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There is probably no limit to the number of people who want to submit AI, and they may be multiplying each month. Pictures are reviewed by humans, who must be paid. We will see what measures are needed by Adobe, to stop the wait rising to months, then years.
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They shifted software sales from a box shipped to a subscription online model, they can adapt to the way art will be done from now on and improve their approval process.
Otherwise Adobe Stock Image platform dies a certain death.
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Adobe can and will adapt if they have to. I have a little list of ways they could adapt. It seems clear that whatever way they change, someone will be unhappy.
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Na dann raten sie mal der Verlierer sein wird: die Bilderproduzierer/Grafuker/Fotografen oder Fotoknipser. Die kommen zu tausenden von Insta und co und müllen alles zu. Echte Fotos werden nicht mehr als solche gesehen und sofort mir schlechter Bildqualität aussortiert. Mag sein das nur alle Bildtester bei Adobe die Besten Fotos machen, zeigen möchte man das aber nicht. Vor Jahren haben sie alle solche schlechten Fotos aufgenommen, liegen ja noch im Archiv und werden angeboten, verkauft. Das Kameras heute viel bessere BQ haben ist denen egal, Order ist Order. Gute Nacht Adobe.
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Well, they adapt. They accept you submitting 440 generative assets in one batch. Let us think that they moderate the same number of assets than before, they are still filling up the database at a rapid pace of new assets. There is no need to accept your assets faster.
It will just take more time for you to market, but the hundreds of submitters sitting in front of your in the queue will get their assets approved or rejected at an earlier time. But for Adobe, what counts is the number of assets what get added to the database, yours, mine's, somone elese's. Who at Adobe needs to care?
Contributors are important, because they feed the cash mashine. But the individual contributor is dispensable, except maybe the 10 top contributors.
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Abambo, thanks for responding. I think your insight is right on the money. We are all dispensible, but to each other we mean a lot more. This community has some incredible contributors (not just hatchet people like me), and I wish everyone could see that. I appreciate your input here.
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Hallo, ganz verstehen kann ich den in deutsch übersetzten Text nicht, egal, aber sind ein "Top-Mitwirkender" ?
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...they can adapt to the way art will be done from now on... Otherwise Adobe Stock Image platform dies a certain death.
By @jayson.
I disagree with both statements. Real artwork and photography will always be in demand long after the AI wave goes back out to sea.
The burning question is "How much AI art are Stock customers actually buying?"
Have you sold any? Did your royalty fees cover your AI investment costs for membership, high-resolution diffusions, copyright, time, etc..?
If there's too much supply and no demand for it, Adobe may do what Getty and other image sites did -- stop accepting AI uploads. Or they could make AI submissions by invitation only.
Either way, that would eliminate backlogs in the Review Queue and send many AI contributors searching for a new sandbox to play in.
Be careful what you wish for...
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I agree, Nancy, that Adobe will need to make changes to the way to AI images are vetted and sold. I'm sure there are many internal discussions going on... They'll adjust and hopefully find a way to purge the flawed AI images from the database and throttle the influx of more flawed images.
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From the glimpse into your submitted AI images above, it seems you have many "similars", which will most likely result in a high rejection rate. Submitting hundreds of images at a time is not recommended, particularly if they have the same theme. It's best to submit a handful, wait for moderation, rework the rejects if possible and resubmit any re-edited images.
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Hi Jill, thanks for your advice 🙂