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I've mentioned a couple of times the importance of using facial restoration software to improve AI generated images of people. But I also want to clarify that is does not fix everything and a careful review of the results is still necessary. In the attached example, note that the eyes and ears of the facial restored image of the young girl remain as uneven as they were in the original AI generated image. I used two techniques (copying and pasting and Liqufy) to correct the issues. Hope this helps!
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I wish all AI creators would make this extra effort to fine tune their creations !
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Post bookmarked. Thanks for the insight.
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Thank you very much. It's very interesting as advice. I will now work on my AI illustrations with a facial restoration software. Until now I used liquify and I did not always have the desired results
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I get why you do this with synthetic faces.
In fact, 98% of real humans do not have perfectly symmetrical faces. It's a very rare occurrence in nature. That's what makes us human.
In a 1995 experiment, researchers performed a manipulation that altered asymmetry within a face without altering the mean size of facial features. These faces were then rated on attractiveness. Contrary to what was predicted, faces that were made more symmetrical were perceived as being less attractive. Researchers speculated that increased symmetry makes faces appear unemotional.
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Interesting. I experimented with this myself years ago using some head-on portraits of a few of my models. Models with symmetrical faces to begin with didn't look much different, while those without appeared rather homely in comparison. I believe this is something plastic surgeons need to take into consideration with their patients.
Meanwhile, there's the Thatcher Illusion: