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Files forgotten in the Adobe stock queue awaiting eternal approval.

Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2023 Nov 03, 2023

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Files forgotten in the Adobe stock queue awaiting eternal approval.

My account was blocked on October 2nd and unblocked on October 11th. However, since then, none of the files I uploaded for moderation have been viewed.


I used to upload a few files a day (uploaded and submitted on the same day), from 10 to 40, so every day I sent files without taking up too much of my day, and almost every day I received emails that my files had been approved or rejected by moderation.


I haven't received any feedback, either approval or rejection, for over a month now. The last day I received an e-mail was September 28th, and since then my files have been stuck in the queue. The oldest files I have waiting are from August 8th, which means they've been in the queue for 87 days.


Could it be that with the block I'm back at the end of the queue?
Is there some kind of "penalty" for being blocked?

I've already contacted Adobe and asked for clarification, but I've received three identical answers that basically don't answer my question.
"The current average waiting time is approximately 8 weeks, for files to be reviewed." adobe replied (in short)


Has anyone here been through something similar or has any experience to share?

Thank you very much.

Fotolia , Troubleshooting






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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Nov 03, 2023 Nov 03, 2023

2-3 months is normal for review time at the moment, and it's been so for at least through the later part of the summer and fall.  I'd start to be concerned around the four month mark.



Community Expert , Nov 03, 2023 Nov 03, 2023

I do not know, what happens when accounts get blocked. You may have three scenaria:

  1. nothing happens and the assets move ahead in the moderation queue. I suppose we can exclude this one.
  2. The assets get rescheduled for moderation when your account gets deblocked. I would bet it is this one.
  3. The assets are lost in space, as they do not advance, as the system lost track of them. That would be a bug.





Community Expert ,
Nov 03, 2023 Nov 03, 2023

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2-3 months is normal for review time at the moment, and it's been so for at least through the later part of the summer and fall.  I'd start to be concerned around the four month mark.

George F, Fine Art Landscape Photographer





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Community Expert ,
Nov 03, 2023 Nov 03, 2023

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I do not know, what happens when accounts get blocked. You may have three scenaria:

  1. nothing happens and the assets move ahead in the moderation queue. I suppose we can exclude this one.
  2. The assets get rescheduled for moderation when your account gets deblocked. I would bet it is this one.
  3. The assets are lost in space, as they do not advance, as the system lost track of them. That would be a bug.



ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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