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[Filter: sexual] anthonyd48118428's post subject matched "nude" and body matched "nude", board "stock".
Post Subject: nude stock photo model release
Subject text "nude" matched filter pattern "nude".
Post Body:
Is a model release needed for a nude stock photo if the subject's face is not in the photo? Just the legs and buttocks.
Body text "nude" matched filter pattern "nude".
Post by User[id=1878498,login=anthonyd48118428] was rejected for the following end-user facing error(s):
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Yes, you need a model release, and you need to prove that the model is overage:
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Very good questions! I've had images with nudity rejected, and I've had almost exactly the same image accepted at another date. I think it has far more to do with the reviewer and projected opinions on sexuality/nudity than anything else.
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I've had images with nudity rejected, and I've had almost exactly the same image accepted at another date. I think it has far more to do with the reviewer and projected opinions on sexuality/nudity than anything else.
By @moe hong
No, the rules are clear. If the moderator accepted that, they accepted that by error. However, where you show nude feet, that is not a problem.
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In some regions of the world, "provocative images" are strictly taboo for religious & moral reasons.
This will significantly limit how many customers you reach and result in lower sales.
...$omething to think about.