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Merhaba profilime 767
ürün yükledim.
Bu ürünler yalnızca kendi hesabımda görünüyor. Farklı tarayıcılardaki aramalarda, farklı doğrudan aramalarda veya anahtar kelimelerle aramalarda görünmüyor. Bu nedenle indirmeyi başaramadığımı düşünüyorum.
Destek için 3 kez form gönderdim ancak herhangi bir yanıt alınamadı.
Boşuna dosya yüklüyormuşum gibi çalışıyor.
2 Correct answers
I was able to search for your 6 images and clicked through to your account which has 8 pages of assets. It appears that you're from Turkey, a country which requires additional vetting of images before they are displayed locally. However, potential Buyers in most every other country in the world will be able to view and license your images. (I'm located in the U.S.)
You are located in Turkey, which is a restricted country where not all the assets are visible. This impacts you, when you want to check your assets, as seen by potential buyers. All of your accepted assets are open for sale in non-restricted regions, however. You can check that by changing the TR (for Turkey) country code in the URL with CA (for Canada).
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767 I uploaded the product.
These products only appear on my own account. It does not appear in searches in different browsers, in different direct searches, or in searches with keywords. That's why I think I failed to download it.
I sent the form to support 3 times but no response was received.
It works like I'm uploading files in vain.
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I was able to search for your 6 images and clicked through to your account which has 8 pages of assets. It appears that you're from Turkey, a country which requires additional vetting of images before they are displayed locally. However, potential Buyers in most every other country in the world will be able to view and license your images. (I'm located in the U.S.)
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I uploaded 767 products to my profile.
These products only appear on my own account. It does not appear in searches in different browsers, in different direct searches, or in searches with keywords. That's why I think I failed to download it.
I sent the form to support 3 times but no response was received.
It works like I'm uploading files in vain.
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You are located in Turkey, which is a restricted country where not all the assets are visible. This impacts you, when you want to check your assets, as seen by potential buyers. All of your accepted assets are open for sale in non-restricted regions, however. You can check that by changing the TR (for Turkey) country code in the URL with CA (for Canada).