No aceptan ninguna foto?
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Fotos con buena calidad, hechas con una 700D (Canon)...
La que más ISO tiene ... es 400ISO...
No entiendo porque no se aceptan...
Vale que algunas tengan baja exposición... pero esque sino no quedan bien...
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We need to see the full-sized images as submitted. The thumbnails are too small to determine why they were refused.
daniellei4510 | Community Forum Volunteer
I am my cat's emotional support animal.
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These are some of them
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Check your exposure on most of these.
daniellei4510 | Community Forum Volunteer
I am my cat's emotional support animal.
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412 is definitivefly underexposed. There is clipping in the blacks, meaning that the darkest points bear absolutly no information. In addition the asset is noisy, has chromatic aberration and you need to clean your sensor, as you have sensor spots:
Those need to be stamped out before submitting. If there is only one on the whole sensor,. you may still be able to use your camera without much trouble, but if there are many, you may need to do the cleaning (or let a professional shop doing the cleaning).
ISO 400 is a lot for a EOS 700D, if you want to submit the assets to Adobe stock. For general use, that is great.
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daniellei4510 | Community Forum Volunteer
I am my cat's emotional support animal.
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MG_6830.jpg this image has chroma noise in the sky