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Hola, soy nueva en el stock, estoy aprendiendo,subí estas imágenes y fueron rechazadas por problemas de calidad, me pueden dar retroalimentación, como lo dije estoy aprendiendo sobre esto y me gustaría recibir consejos,sólo he vendido 2 vectores y quiero mejorar.Muchas gracias
Probably for a number of little things as noted below. These are issues the buyer would need to clean up themselves and that should be the contributor's job. Nothing in this one that shouldn't be an easy fix, though I didn't necessarily find every example.
In the second image, you have spelling errors. Happyy should be Happy.
Might wanna reduce the anchor points as well. It will make the lines more smoother and the files smaller.
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Probably for a number of little things as noted below. These are issues the buyer would need to clean up themselves and that should be the contributor's job. Nothing in this one that shouldn't be an easy fix, though I didn't necessarily find every example.
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Muchas gracias, lo mejoraré
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In the second image, you have spelling errors. Happyy should be Happy.
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In the third image, you have a lot of jagged, unsmooth lines.
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You're also cutting it pretty close to the Mother's Day deadline, which is in 20 days. So unless you're one of the fortunate one who have been having their images reviewed within a day or two, you may not see sales until next year after the issues mentioned are corrected and the assets resubmitted.
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Might wanna reduce the anchor points as well. It will make the lines more smoother and the files smaller.
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Posting a bunch of JPEG files does not give us a really good impression of the quality of your work. You should post one vector asset, that could be analyzed and you can probably check your other assets for the same issues.