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Hello! Can you please tell me what are the quality issues? All these photos are not accepted. Thank you!
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All photos have underexposed shadows. The first has overexposed highlights. The third photo should be croped better.
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Thanks for the recommendation
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In addition to the exposure and cropping issue pointed out by Ralph, the third image has noise in the background.
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Thank you!
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Stock doesn't accept B&W. Customers want full color images for use in commercial projects.
Before you submit, please review the submission guidelines carefully and compare your work with other Stock inventory. To be accepted, your work should be as good or better than what's already represented in your keyword category.
Hope that helps.
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Thank you very much.
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Stock doesn't accept B&W. Customers want full color images for use in commercial projects.
By @Nancy OShea
Looks like bw, at a first sight, but the pictures are indeed colour pictures... 😉 But quite desaturated for the first one!