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Hi everyone,
basically the rejection rate for AI-generated images seems to be increasing and Adobe wants to achieve higher quality standards. Fair enough. However, it seems to be the case that images generated with Midjourney or other AIs are rejected more frequently than those generated with Firefly. Even if going through the same Post-Process. Or is that deceptive? These results often play more with a blurred background/foreground or other photo-aesthetic features. Personally, I often find the images much more appealing and with more expression. But of course, it's also a matter of taste.
So, two questions:
- Is Firefly preferred?
- Would anyone like to take a look at the pictures attached? They were rejected because of their quality and I don't think they're that bad...
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In my opinion, there is no reason to believe that Firefly will be accepted before Midjourney.
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I noted some issues in the asset below. The other one: the details in the fabric of the woman's headscarf. The issues noted are as prevalent sometimes in both Midjourney and Firefly.
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Some moderators might let this pass. The best ones won't. I always assume my assets are going to end up on the computers of the best ones.
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Why should they prefer Firefly?
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May I ask how you came to the conclusion that Midjourney or other AIs are rejected more often than Firefly? Or are you speaking of your own experience? I highly doubt that the moderators have any idea what apps are used to create AI assets. They simply wouldn't have the time.
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It's just a feeling based on my experience. I don't keep any statistics. Perhaps it is not necessarily the case that the moderators can see which AI an image comes from. But perhaps one style is preferred more than the other. I think Midjourney and Firefly differ in their outputs... Midjourney is much more cinematic, plays more with blur, focus etc. Firefly is more crisp, on point...
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You will need to count to prove that the rejection rates differ and then you will need also to check, if one or the other did not introduce more errors.
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Why is the fabric texture on the right side different than on the left?
Why is there visible hair? I may be wrong, but I think that traditionally, there should not be hair shown, as the fabric covers the back of the head, as shown in your second asset.
Check the textures of the fabric and the carpet and you will see, that at 100% the pattern is nonsense.
Check also the bokeh, which is not correct:
Bokeh is generated by the lens and is a direct function of the lens. You do not have different bokeh shapes when taking a photo.
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- Would anyone like to take a look at the pictures attached? They were rejected because of their quality and I don't think they're that bad...
By @matthiasl93301192
They are not error free..., so they have issues with the quality. On social media, you will get many likes...
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Adobe doesn't care which AI Generation service you use to create your assets, as long as they meet the quality criteria.
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Hi @matthiasl93301192 ,
While the first picture is not that bad, it does have errors. The indent at the top of the lip is not centered.
The fingers are out of focus. However, one of the finger on the right hand is looking at bit off.
For the second picture, I am not seeing details in the shadows. Also when I zoom in the edges are not smooth.
Best wishes