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Temps de validation des fichiers

New Here ,
Apr 02, 2023 Apr 02, 2023

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Bonjour, je suis en attente de validation de mes fichiers sur Adobe, cela fait plus d'un mois qu'ils sont "en cours d'examen" je n'ai aucune nouvelle, rien qui m'indique quand mes fichiers seront validés ou non. Est-ce normal ? Car cela commence à faire long... 
Merci d'avance, Margaux 

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Community Expert ,
Apr 02, 2023 Apr 02, 2023

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This is spring break for many people.


On average, Photos & Vector Graphics are reviewed in 5  - 15 business days.
Generative AI could take 1-2 months due to the immense backlog of AI submissions.

Be patient, your assets will be reviewed in the order they were received.  😉


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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New Here ,
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023

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Moi aussi j'ai des fichiers en attente depuis plusieurs semaines !

Et le pire c'est qu'ils ne traitent pas les fichiers par ordre d'arrivée donc les plus anciens. Ils piochent dans les derniers transmis.

Et de plus 75 % sont rejetés dorenavant pour "Problème de qualité" alors qu'ils sont parfaits !

A mon avis, ils ont du remplacer une partie des modérateurs par un outil automatique qui fait un pré-tri et rejette la moitié afin de faire de la place dans la file d'attente.

C'est quand meme navant que à cause de l'IA, les contributeurs classiques soient ainsi mis de coté !

Ils n'aurait pas pu anticiper cela ?

Donc chaque jour je resoumet les meme, c'est exapérant !

Le service se dégrade fortement !




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Community Expert ,
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023

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It does seem that some assets are being moderated out of order, rather than on a first-in/first-out basis; however that hasn't affected me because I only upload 4-6 at a time, and they all get moderated at the same time.

As to your 75% reject rate, obviously they are not "perfect"; if you would like to upload a few of the rejects here, the Community members can provide input as to why they are being rejected.


Perhaps some day, AI tools will improve to the point where human Moderators can be at least somewhat replaced, but I don't see that happening soon. After all, it is the Generative AI tools that are creating so many poor-quality, noticeably flawed assets, so how can we trust AI to also moderate those assets?


Why do you state that traditional contributors are put aside? My photographs are still getting reviewed and accepted in a reasonable period of time - usually 4-6 days. I haven't been "put aside".


Why do you state that every day you resubmit the same? If you resubmit previously rejected images without having re-edited them to correct the errors, you run the risk of getting your account banned permanently. 


Jill C., Forum Volunteer




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Community Expert ,
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023

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Et le pire c'est qu'ils ne traitent pas les fichiers par ordre d'arrivée donc les plus anciens. Ils piochent dans les derniers transmis.

By @PhotoAgriculture

C'est faux! L'ordre est strictement selo l'arrivée.


Et de plus 75 % sont rejetés dorenavant pour "Problème de qualité" alors qu'ils sont parfaits !

By @PhotoAgriculture

Mais non. J'ai un rejet de moins d'un pourcent. J'ai rarement vue des photos rejetées sans que j'ai trouvé en quelques secondes plusieures causes de rejet.


A mon avis, ils ont du remplacer une partie des modérateurs par un outil automatique qui fait un pré-tri et rejette la moitié afin de faire de la place dans la file d'attente.


Donc chaque jour je resoumet les meme, c'est exapérant !

Le service se dégrade fortement !

By @PhotoAgriculture

Les modérateurs sont toujours des humains. Mais quand on est submergé par des soumissions IA et si on n'ajoute pas plus de gens, les temps de modérations augmentent. Soumettre des refus sans adresser le problème risque de prendre une mauvaise fin. 

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Community Expert ,
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023

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75% rejections is far from perfect.  There is a learning curve to taking good photos and improving them afterwards in Photoshop or Lightroom.   You're not seeing everything up close (100-300% magnification) and correcting problems BEFORE you submit.


Focus on quality vs quantity.  Compare 5 of your very best images with current Stock inventory.  If it's not as good or better than what Stock has, don't submit.  That should help reduce your rejection rate. 


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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Community Expert ,
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023

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Adobe is very conservative. They consider you to be a bad contributor, if you have a rejection rate of more than 50%. My rejection rate, even in the beginning, was not at that height. 

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Community Expert ,
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023

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Being a Stock Contributor isn't for everyone. 2.5 accepted out of 10 submitted means there's a disconnect somewhere.  It might be equipment-related or lack of know-how & experience.  But whatever it is, it's not personal.  Adobe Stock is a business.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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Community Expert ,
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023

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I'm not sure, that I would call my rejected pictures "perfect", well, most of them. And you're not asking a good cook, what expensive pots does he cook with. 

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Community Expert ,
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023

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Illustrations? C'est normal !

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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