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3 days ago I finished a complete graph in Substance Designer. I saved it as a .sbs as usual. I reopened it several times since.
Today I tried opening it in Substance Designer (same version) and the file is completely empty :
My file explorer says the file is 1KB and that's clearly not normal. Also, I opened it yesterday, and everything was fine. I'm sure everything was fine.
Any idea was caused this and how to solve it? That would be a real bummer if I couldn't get it back.
Thanks in advance for any help.
PS: I searches the internet and didn't find anything except checking if it was a .sbar file. It's not, it's a .sbs.
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Would you be able to share this file with us? Designer should also create autosave files in a .autosave folder next to your sbs.
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I'm so sorry for the delay, Turned out I had a backup on my External Hard Drive (how could I even forget) so I could get it back pretty easily.
However, for the sake of the "bug" resolution I'm going to try to add info.
There was indeed probably a good file in the .autosave folder but I had deleted it a few days prior when I was sure my substance was finished.
I do not have the original "bugged" file anymore, but I have an autosave of it and it also has no graph, exactely like the original file. I would gladly send it, but I can't attach it here because apparently .sbs files are not supported (as shown on the screenshot). If you have a workaround, I'll gladly sent that autosave file - if it's even useful since it's not the original.
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For Substance 3D files (SBS), add the .xml extension to the filename, like so: <your_file>.sbs.xml
XML is a supported file attachment, and SBS files use the XML format. This will make it possible to send out your file without compromising its data.
Best regards.