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I'm collecting documentation of using Team Projects with Google Drive and OneDrive. Adobe's documentation mainly mentions DropBox and Creative Cloud Files. But most colleges, training organisations and other education institues I'm connected to use OneDrive or Google Drive.
So basically my questions are:
Joost van der Hoeven | Editor, Colorist, Animator & Adobe Master Trainer | Animotion
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I have tried Dropbox, and it was ... not stunning. I HATE OneDrive as it messes so heavily with the "user" locations for Documents and such, and is abominable to have to go clean up after. Messed my files access for the Adobe files totally, and took a couple days to get cleared up. I wasgettting "couldn't access X files" on launch, so launch failed. Then after I got past that problem, it couldn't find the preferences/settings files so every launch it created NEW prefs and such. I couldn't sync to my prefs either.
Yea, never gonna allow OneDrive around.
Google drive ... not so happy with that bit of Skynet.
@Mo Moolla and I have worked now with LucidLink, which is also being pushed by Adobe. That service is stunning. He uploads a file from his computer in Cape Town SA to our 'filespace' in London (on Amazon's s3 servers) and within a couple seconds, that file appears in my LucidLink "drive", the virtual drive it creates on your computer. Within a few more seconds I can actually import that file into Premiere Pro, drop it onto a sequence, and be playing it back and editing.
Near magical in operation. Without the issues of file syncing messing with PrPro's accessing the files every so often with nearly every other such service.
Been using LucidLink and that is ... stunning. @o
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Thanks for the insight @R Neil Haugen. I too tried OneDrive 3 years ago with Team Projects and it was rather confusing then. I was hoping to hear some insight on using OneDrive with the recent updates. Lucid link sound promising, but I need to find out what students and institutions can get their hands on within existing infrastructure.
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