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Adobe Pricing too much for Education

New Here ,
Apr 09, 2019 Apr 09, 2019

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I work in a UK school teaching students from 11-16 years.  We very much wanted to teach them how to use products that are being used in the workplace so purchased the Adobe suite.

It has been really frustrating over the years to see Educational pricing increase and with the recent advice that device licencing is becoming end of life at the end of this year, I'm sure pricing will increase more.

Currently we pay £5000 to teach students how to use Adobe software.  We do not gain financially from using the software, we are not a business.  I find it appalling that Adobe charges us so much; in my opinion software for schools should be free, not restricted by budgets.

This year we have decided that the cost is too much, so we will not be renewing our Adobe licence.  I now have to tell our Graphics, Media and IT departments that they will have to find new (cheaper) software, learn how to use it and then teach their students.

It would be nice to hear from Adobe as to how they justify their Educational pricing...




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Community Expert ,
Apr 09, 2019 Apr 09, 2019

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These forums are generally only user-to-user, and this particular space is for non-support discussion... so I doubt you'll get any answers from Adobe.

I'd contact my local sales engineer dealing with my school for a discussion or clarification.




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New Here ,
Sep 24, 2019 Sep 24, 2019

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I've also had some issues with pricing and there is no forum or place to voice anything to Adobe about this. I'm from a small High School in Bainville that has a total of 40 kids in it. I'm the advisor for our Business Professionals of America Chapter who uses Adobe for their Graphic Design, Digital Editing, and Video editing events. We can't participate anymore because we only have a few copies of CS5, which is out of date. I looked to see what we could do to upgrade and there is only $500 difference between 10 licenses and 100. That is a little ridiculous. This pricing just shows how Adobe dislikes small schools. If you're not rich you can't use it! I've tried several times to contact about some special prices for small schools but its all fallen on def ears.




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Community Expert ,
Apr 09, 2019 Apr 09, 2019

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Joseph has made a good suggestion to reach out to your sales team. Also there are resellers such as TechSoup – Technology for nonprofits, charities, and libraries  that offer steep discounts to qualifying organizations.




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Community Expert ,
Apr 09, 2019 Apr 09, 2019

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traceyb88552700  wrote

in my opinion software for schools should be free, not restricted by budgets.

What about teachers' and staff salaries?

Should they work for free because it is an educational institution?




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Mentor ,
Apr 09, 2019 Apr 09, 2019

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Tracy, it's really nice to see you care so much for your kids and the importance of them learning. Using Adobe stuff can be both fun just for fun, and also a great way to learn about some other things ( technical stuff and telling stories and so on ). I wish your kids could keep doing what you set up for them because it's obvious you are upset you might have to stop giving them what you have been able to do.

Probably wasn't easy to get there ( have to have computers of some sort, organization to keep the computers working OK, and so on ).

This place has NOTHING to do with Adobe headquarters. It's only a user to user forum and for what it is ( compared to other forums like it run by red camera and davinci resolve and the creative cow people ) it's not a bad place to find info and some help.

But you're barking up the wrong tree for solving your problem, cause nobody here has ANY influence on adobe product development or criteria for using the stuff ( subscriptions, pricing, etc. ).

Thank you for caring so much about the kids, and I agree with you... it would be great if they could just have access to stuff to help them develop their minds and hearts and knowledge, etc.  Maybe the thing by CMGAP is an alternative.. do stuff through a local library associated with your school district ??  They are the non profit ( the library ) and maybe you can set aside a day and hours for your classes to go there and use THEIR computers and continue using adobe stuff ??

Anyway, thanks for all your hard work and caring and good luck to you and your kids !!!




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Apr 10, 2019 Apr 10, 2019

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Photoshop will be very hard to replace imo a course with certificates for 3rd party cheep software options is not going to be worth the paper its printed on and students will vote with their feet but the issue here is out dated school systems forcing "Educational licence" so they can control the learning... its not a good system for students to learn from and Adobe is correct to walk away from it




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